Not Sold | Unavailable | |
FBN PRICE $780.40 ($156.08/gal)CASH PRICE $733.58 ($146.72/gal)2.5 gal jug (× 2) | Currently unavailable | |
Active Ingredient(s): Flumioxazin (51 %) | Type: Herbicide Active Ingredient(s): Flumioxazin (4 lbs/gal) | Active Ingredient(s): Flumioxazin (51 %) |
$0.00/lb Ingredient Ratio: x1.00 Adjusted price estimate: $0.00/lb | FBN Price $156.08/lb Ingredient Ratio: x12.75 Adjusted price estimate: $1,990.02/lb | |
Potential delays for this productManufacturer state registration |
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