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Wild Radish

Every product that labels WILD RADISH as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
2,4-D Amine 42,4-D Amine 42,4-D Amine 4 Herbicide2,4-D Granules2,4-D LV 42,4-D LV 4 (Albaugh)2,4-D LV 6 (Albaugh)4-Speed® XT638 HerbicideAccurate® ExtraAccurate® ExtraAcuron®Affinity® TankMixAffinity® TankMix Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Agility® SG with TotalSol® Soluble GranulesAgri Star Dicamba HDAlite™ 27 HerbicideAlligare 2,4-D AmineAlligare 2,4-D LV6Alligare Dicamba 4Alligare Diuron 4LAlluvex™Ally® Extra SG Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Ally® Extra SG with TotalSolAmber® Custom-Pak™Amine 4 2,4-DAmine 4 2,4-D HerbicideAmine 400 2,4-D Weed KillerAmine 6Aquesta™ 4 FAudit® 4:1Audit® 4:1 HerbicideAudit® 75 WDGAudit® 9:1 HerbicideAutumn™ Super 51 WDG HerbicideAxill Solutions Glufosinate 280SLAxiom® DFBalance® FlexxBalance® ProBanvel 480 HerbicideBanvel® HerbicideBarrage® HFBarrier® 50W Dichlobenil HerbicideBarrier® Ornamental Landscaping HerbicideBasamid® GBase Camp® Amine 4Base Camp® LV 6Base Camp® MCP EsterBasis® BlendBasis® HerbicideBatalium® AmpedBatalium® IIBatalium™Battleship® IIIBeacon® HerbicideBestow™ HerbicideBeyond® herbicideBeyond® Xtra herbicideBison®Bison® HerbicideBoomer™ HerbicideBroadrange® 55 HerbicideBroclean®Broclean® HerbicideBromac®Bromac® AdvancedBronate® Advanced™Brox® 2ECBrox®-MBrox®-M UltraBrozine®Cadre® herbicideCandor® HerbicideCarnivore® HerbicideCasoron® 4GCasoron® 4GCasoron® CSCelsius® XtraCelsius® XtraChange Up™ Selective HerbicideChateau® EZChateau® Herbicide SWCheetah® HerbicideCheetah® ProCivility™ ExtraClarifier®Clarifier®Clarity® herbicideClash® Selective HerbicideClean Amine®Cleansweep™ M HerbicideCleantraxx™Cleat® 75 WG HerbicideColt®+Salvo® HerbicideColt®+Sword® HerbicideCommando M™Commando™Comply™ HerbicideComradeCool Power®Cornbelt® 4Lb. AmineCornbelt® 4Lb. Lo Vol EsterCornbelt® 6Lb. Lo Vol EsterCornbelt® SalvanCorvus®Craze®Crew® Specialty HerbicideCrossbow® By United SuppliersCrossbow® HerbicideCrossbow® HerbicideCrossbow® Herbicide (Dow)Crossbow® LCrossbow™ HerbicideCrossroad®Crusher®Crusher™Curtail® HerbicideCurtail® M HerbicideD-638Dagger®Daikon™Dally®De-Amine™ 4De-Ester™LV4Deadbolt®Defy® Amine 4Defy® LV-4Defy® LV-6Depth Charge™Derigo® HerbicideDerive 75 DFDerive® 4LDetermine™ 4LDetonate® HerbicideDetonate® Herbicide (old version)Diablo® Herbicide (Nufarm)Dicamba DGADicamba DMA SaltDicamba DMA Salt 5Dicamba HD® 5Dicamba Max 4Dicamba XPDiCash DGA-4DiFlexx® DUODiFlexx™ HerbicideDimetric® DF 75%Dimetric® EXTDirex® 4LDisha DMADistinct® herbicideDiuron 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4L (Drexel)Diuron 80Diuron 80 DFDiuron 80 WDG Weed KillerDiuron 80DFDMA® 4 IVM HerbicideDog Fight™Doleac™ DMADolerity™ DGADraft™ HerbicideDrexel Dicamba HerbicideDrillDuPont Matrix® SGDurus®E-2 HerbicideEdict® 2SCEdition® TankmixElliptical™ HerbicideEmbed® ExtraEmbed™Encompass™Engenia HerbicideEnlist Duo™ Herbicide with Colex D TechnologyEnlist One™Enlite®Envoke®Envoke® HerbicideEscalade® 2ET® Herbicide/DefoliantET®X Herbicide/DefoliantExpress® Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Express® with TotalSol®Express® XPExtreme® herbicideFever™FeXapan™ herbicide Plus VaporGrip™ TechnologyFierce® EZ HerbicideFierce® HerbicideFierce® MTZ HerbicideFierce® XLT Soybean HerbicideFinale® XL F-VM herbicideFinale® XL T&O herbicideFinesse® Cereal and FallowFinesse® Cereal and Fallow HerbicideFinesse® Grass & Broadleaf HerbicideFirstShot® SG Burndown Herbicide (with TotalSol®)FirstShot® SG Burndown Herbicide with TotalSol®Five Star®Flumi® 51 WDGFlumi® SX HerbicideFlumioxazin 51% WDG (Redeagle)FMC Report® ExtraForfeit® 280Freelexx®Full Deck™Gallery® 75 Dry Flowable Specialty HerbicideGallery® SCGambit® HerbicideGCS 2,4-D LV 6 EsterGCS MesoXtra HerbicideGF-3335Glean XP HerbicideGlean® Fertilizer Compatible HerbicideGlean® XPGlory®Glory® 4LGrapple™Gravitas®Halomax™ 75Harass® HerbicideHardBall®Harmony® Extra SG Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Harmony® Extra SG with TotalSol™Harmony® GT XPHarmony® SG Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Harmony® SG with TotalSol®Harrow™Hat Trick® Three Way HerbicideHavoc LV-SixHavoc™ LV FourHelmet MaxxHerbivore® HerbicideHi-Dep® Broadleaf HerbicideHi-Dep® IVM Broadleaf HerbicideHinge™Horsepower® Selective HerbicideHuskie® CompleteHuskie® FXHuskie® HerbicideImazethapyr 2 SLImiFlex™Imox™Impose®Inflame™ 280 SLInflict™Instigate®IntensaInterline® HerbicideKarmex® DFKasai™Kerb® 50-W HerbicideKerb® SCKerb® SC (RUP)Kyber™Latir™Leadoff® HerbicideLeopard™Lexar®Lexar® EZLifeline®Lifeline® GTLima 6Linex® 4L Agricultural HerbicideLo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileLo-Vol 6 2,4-D Low Volatile HerbicideLorox® DFLow Vol 4 Ester Weed KillerLow Vol 6 Ester Weed KillerLumax®Lumax® EZLV 400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent FreeMaestro® 2ECMaestro® 4ECMaestro® AdvancedMaestro® DMaestro® MAMainline™Matrix® FNVMatrix® SGMaverick™ Corn HerbicideMaxunitech Sulfentrazone 4 SC HerbicideMCP Amine 4MCPA AmineMCPA Amine 4MCPA Amine 4 (Albaugh)MCPA Ester 4MCPA Ester 4MCPA L. V. 4 EsterMCPA-4 AmineMCPE PhenoxyMe-Try-Buzin™ 4LMe-Try-Buzin™ 75DFMesoCore®MesoTryOne™ 4LMesoXtra HerbicideMetolachlor + MesoATZMetribuzin 4LMetribuzin 75Metribuzin 75DFMetricor™ 4FMetricor™ DFMetriflex 4SCMetrixxMetrixx 75DFMetrixx SCMojave 70 EGMoxy® 2ENimble®Nimble®Northstar® HerbicideNuance® HerbicideNufarm Imazapic 2SLNufarm Imazapic 2SL IVM HerbicideNufarm Imazuron™ HerbicideNufarm Leopard™ HerbicideOctivio™Octivio™ PulseOmni® Brand Metribuzin 75 DFOpen Range® GOpportunityOptero™Opti-Amine®OpTill® powered by Kixor® herbicideOpTill® PRO Herbicide (Liquid)OpTill® PRO powered by Kixor® herbicideOrchard Clean®Orchard Star®Osprey®Osprey® XtraOutflank™Panoflex™Panoflex™ Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Panoramic® 2SLPanther® D HerbicidePanther® HerbicidePanther® MTZ HerbicidePanther® Pro HerbicidePanther® SC HerbicideParrot™ 4LParrot™ DFPassage™ HerbicidePasturAll® HL Specialty HerbicidePasturAll® Specialty HerbicidePasture Pro® HerbicidePatron® 170Peak®Peak®Pemex™Perfection® Weed & Feed 21-7-14Permit Plus®Permit® HerbicidePindar® GTPiper™ HerbicidePlateau® herbicidePlotter® Extra HerbicidePraxisPrequel®Priority MAProfine™ 75Progeny® HerbicidePromote™Pruvin® HerbicidePursuit® herbicidePyresta®Pyrimax™ 3.2 L HerbicidePysonex™ HerbicideQuincept®Radar™ AM 4Rancor™ 4 FRancor™ 75 DFRapport® Tank Mix HerbicideRaptor® herbicideRave® HerbicideRavine™ReciteReckon™ 280SLRedEagle Flumioxazin 51% WDG Specialty + Field (California only)Refer® 280 SL HerbicideRely® 280Rely® 280 HerbicideReport® ExtraReport™ HerbicideRequire® Q (mp)Resicore®Resicore® REV HerbicideResicore® XLResolve® DFResolve® QResolve® Q (mp)Resolve® SGRevolt™Rhomene® MCPA BroadleafRifle®Rimfire® MaxRixa™Rowel™ HerbicideRugged® HerbicideSaber®Sahara® DG herbicideSalvo®Sandea®Sapphire®Scoparia HerbicideScorch™ EXTScout™ HerbicideSedgeHammer® +SedgeHammer® Turf HerbicideSentrallas® HerbicideSentrallas™Showcase™ Specialty HerbicideShredder® 2,4-D LV6Shredder® Amine 4Shredder® MCPAShredder® MCPEShredder™ 2,4-D LV4Shredder™ E-99Simplicity® CASinkerball®Snapshot® 2.5 TG Specialty HerbicideSnapshot® DG Specialty HerbicideSolida® HerbicideSolida® HerbicideSolution Water Soluble®Solve™ 2,4-DSolve™ MCPA EsterSpartan® 4FSpartan® ChargeSpartan® FL 4FSpoiler® HerbicideStadia™Stalwart® 3WStaple® LXStarane® NXT HerbicideStatus® herbicideSterling Blue® HerbicideSterling® BlueSterling® Blue DGAStrike Three Ultra® 2Stringent™Strut®Sulfentrazone 4LSulfin® 4SCSupremacy® HerbicideSure Power® Selective HerbicideSurmise®Surmise® 5Sword®T-Square™ HerbicideTalinor™Taquet™Tenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileTenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 Solventless HerbicideTenkoz® Lo-Vol 6 2,4-D Low Volatile HerbicideTenkoz® MCPA Broadleaf Amine 4Terradex™ Crabgrass & BroadleafTetris™ SGThief™Thistrol® HerbicideThunder Master®Thunder®Tide Glufosinate 280 SLTide Hexazinone 2SLTide Hexazinone 75 WDGTolvera™ HerbicideTop Deck™ Aquatic HerbicideTopeka®Total TNVTotal® 2.3Total® HerbicideTravallas™Treaty®Treaty® ExtraTrellis®Trellis® SCTri-Power® Selective HerbicideTriamine®Tribute® TotalTribute® TotalTriCor® 4FTriCor® DFTriple Shot™TriVolt™Trizar™TrizMax™Trumpcard®Turret®Tuscany®Tuscany® SC HerbicideUndercover™Unison® Novel BroadleafUpbeet®Upbeet® HerbicideUsha 6Valor® EZ Herbicide¹Valor® EZ Herbicide²Valor® SX HerbicideVanquish® HerbicideVaristo® herbicideVarsity®Varsity® SCVeer® Agricultural HerbicideVelossa™Velpar® AlfaMax™Velpar® AlfaMax™ (DuPont)Velpar® AlfaMax™ GoldVelpar® AlfaMax™ GoldVelpar® DF CUVelpar® DF CUVelpar® LVelpar® L CUVelpar® L CUVendetta® HerbicideVengeance® Plus Selective HerbicideVenue®Venue® Max HerbicideVictory® HerbicideVida® Herbicide/DesiccantVilify®Vision™ HerbicideVolta®Volta® ExtraVoucher®Vulture™Warfox™Weed Rhap® A-4DWeedar® 64Weedone® 638Weedone® 650Weedone® LV4 ECWeedone® LV4 SolventlessWeedone® LV6 ECWhiteout® 2,4-DWildCard®WildCard® XTRAWillowood Glufosinate 280SLWillowood Imazethapyr 2SLWillowood Metribuzin 75DFWillowood Pronamide 3.3SCWillowood Pronamide 50WSPWillowood Sulfen 4SCWillowood Sulfentrazone 4SCWolverine® AdvancedWolverine® HerbicideXtendimax w/VaporGrip Technology (2020)XtendiMax® With VaporGrip® TechnologyYukon® HerbicideZaltus™ SCZaltus™ SXZeus® Prime XCZeus® XCZidua® PRO powered by Kixor® herbicideZone 4F

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* On approved credit. Terms and conditions apply.

** Store credits will be issued to customer accounts weekly. Upon issue, store credits are available to be used immediately and will automatically be applied to the members' next transaction. Store credits have no cash value. Store credits expire 6 months after issuance and must be used on a purchase to be shipped no later than 6 months after issuance. Limit one store credit issued for the same program or promotion per week unless otherwise specified. Terms & conditions apply.

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