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Harvest Aid

Every product that labels HARVEST AID as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Abundit® EdgeAbundit® EdgeAbundit™ Extra (Exclusively Distributed by DuPont)Accurate® HerbicideAceto Diquat 2L AGAction™ Cotton DefoliantAdios® Cotton DefoliantAim® EC HerbicideAim® EW HerbicideAlecto™ 41SAlligare MSM 60Ally® XPAntik™ ECArrow® 2ECAvatar™Avatar™ S2™Axill Solutions Clethodim 2ECAxill Solutions Glufosinate 280SLAxill Solutions Paraquat 3SLAxxe®Boll'd®Boll'd® 6Buccaneer® (55467-10)Buccaneer® 5Buccaneer® 5 ExtraBuccaneer® Plus (55467-9)Capone™ DesiccantCeridian™ 2 ECChateau® EZChateau® Herbicide SWCheetah® HerbicideCleanse®Cleanse® 2ECCleanse™ 2 ECClearout™ 5 ExtraClethodim 2 EC HerbicideClethodim 2ECornerstone K HerbicideCornerstone®Cornerstone® 5 PlusCornerstone® Plus (1381-192)Cornerstone® Plus (524-454-1381)Cotton Defoliant ConcentrateCottonQuik® Cotton Harvest Aid/DefoliantCredit® 41Credit® 41 ExtraCredit® 5.4 ExtraCredit® XtremeCutOut® Cotton Defoliant (Caution)Cyclone® StarCyclone® Star {Aim EC}Cyclone™ SL 2.0Daze® 4SCDefol® 5Defol® 750Dessicash AgDessicash L&ADevour™DFT 6 EC Cotton DefoliantDiquash™ AG Desiccant & HerbicideDiquash™ Landscape and AquaticDiquat HerbicideDisplay® Cotton Harvest AidDuramax® HerbicideDurango® DMA® HerbicideDurango® DMA® HerbicideEckosil ShieldEnvy™Envy™ IntenseEnvy™ Six MaxET® Herbicide/DefoliantET®X Herbicide/DefoliantEthephon 2SL Growth RegulatorExtra Credit 5®Firestorm®FirstPick™ Cotton Harvest Aid/DefoliantFlumi® 51 WDGFlumi® SX HerbicideFlumioxazin 51% WDG (Redeagle)Folex® 6 ECForfeit® 280Four Power Plus®FreeFall® SC Cotton DefoliantGinstar® ECGly Star® 5 ExtraGly Star® GoldGly Star® K-PlusGly Star® OriginalGly Star® PlusGlyfine™ PlusGlyfos® X-TRA HerbicideGlyphogan® HerbicideGlyphogan® Plus HerbicideGlyphosate 4 PlusGramoxone Inteon®Gramoxone® SLGramoxone® SL 2.0Gramoxone® SL 3.0Helmquat 3SLHelosate® 75 SGHelosate® Plus AdvancedHoncho® HerbicideHoncho® K6 HerbicideHoncho® K6 Herbicide (Monsanto)Honcho® PlusHoss® UltraImitator® PlusInflame™ 280 SLIntensity® One Post-Emergence Grass HerbicideKlean-Pik® 500SCLandmaster® BWLifeline®Longbow™ ECMad Dog®Mad Dog® 5.4Mad Dog® PlusMakaze Yield Pro®Makaze® HerbicideMaxunitech Carfentrazone 2 ECMaxunitech TDZ 4SCMerissaMirage® (524-445-34704)Mite-E-Oil®Nufarm Diquat 2 LNufarm Diquat SPC 2 LNufarm Leopard™ HerbicideOmni Oil 6-EOmni Supreme SprayOmni® Brand Clethodim 2 ECOpportunityOutflank™Panther® HerbicidePanther® SC HerbicidePara-Shot 3.0Paraquat 43.2% SLParaquat ConcentrateParazone® 3SLParazone® 3SLPatriot® HerbicidePlotter® Agricultural HerbicidePod Ceal®Purestand™Purgatory™ 3 SLQuik-Quat™Quinark™ EWQuiver®Rascal® PlusRazor®Reckon™ 280SLRedEagle Clethodim 2ERedEagle Flumioxazin 51% WDG Specialty + Field (California only)Redi-Pik® 1.5EC Cotton DefoliantRefer® 280 SL HerbicideReglone® DesiccantRely® 280Rely® 280 HerbicideResource® HerbicideRevitonReward® Landscape and Aquatic HerbicideRoundup PowerMAX®Roundup PowerMAX® 3 (Monsanto)Roundup PowerMAX® 3 HerbicideRoundup PowerMAX® HerbicideRoundup PowerMAX® IIRoundup PowerMAX® II (Monsanto)Roundup Ultra®Roundup WeatherMAX® (Monsanto)Roundup WeatherMAX® HerbicideRowrunner™ AGRowrunner™ ATORT 3® HerbicideRT 3® Herbicide (Monsanto)Scout™ HerbicideScythe® HerbicideScythe® Herbicide (62719-529)Section® 2EC (1381-204)Section® 2EC (42750-72-1381)Section® Three HerbicideSelect Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™Select® 2 ECSelect® 2 EC HerbicideShadow®Shadow® 3ECShadow® 3ECShar-Max Glyphosate 41% SLShark® EWSharpen® powered by Kixor® herbicideShowdown® HerbicideSignature ClethodimSpodnam®Sunphosate 41%Sunphosate 5 MAX (Wynca)Surmise®Surmise® 5Takedown® SCTapout®Thidiazuron 4 SC Cotton DefoliantTide Glufosinate 280 SLTide MSM 60 DF HerbicideTotal TNVTotal® 2.3Touchdown HiTech®Touchdown® CTTouchdown® HerbicideTraxion®Tribune™Trizenta™ 3EC HerbicideTrizenta™ HerbicideTuscany®Tuscany® SC HerbicideVacate® PGRValor® EZ Herbicide¹Valor® EZ Herbicide²Valor® SX HerbicideVarsity®Varsity® SCVerdure-X-HerbicideVolunteer® Herbicide (66330-353-55467)Volunteer® Herbicide (70506-484-55467)Volunteer™ Herbicide (59639-3-55467)Willowood Clethodim 2ECWillowood Glufosinate 280SLWillowood Glufosinate 280SL (OT)Willowood Glypho 6Willowood Paraquat 3SLZaltus™ SC

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Input financing is offered by FBN Finance, LLC and is available only where FBN Finance, LLC is licensed. Terms and conditions apply. To qualify, a borrower must be a member of Farmer’s Business Network, Inc. and meet certain underwriting requirements. Interest rates and fees will vary depending on your individual situation. Not all applicants will qualify.

* On approved credit. Terms and conditions apply.

** Store credits will be issued to customer accounts weekly. Upon issue, store credits are available to be used immediately and will automatically be applied to the members' next transaction. Store credits have no cash value. Store credits expire 6 months after issuance and must be used on a purchase to be shipped no later than 6 months after issuance. Limit one store credit issued for the same program or promotion per week unless otherwise specified. Terms & conditions apply.

^ Subject to final review and verification.

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