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Wild Poinsettia

Every product that labels WILD POINSETTIA as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Accolade™ HerbicideAcifin™ 2LAcifluorfen 2Afforia™Amvac Scepter® 70 DG herbicideAndros® 1.88Aquesta™ 4 FAuthority® AssistAuthority® MaxxAuthority® XL HerbicideAutonomy™ HerbicideAvalanche® UltraAvalanche® UltraAxill Solutions Glufosinate 280SLBallast™Basagran®Basagran® 5LBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® T&O herbicideBashAzon HerbicideBattle Star®Biscayne™Blanket® 4F HerbicideBlanket® HerbicideBOABoycott™ HerbicideBroadloom® HerbicideCaballeroCadre® herbicideCamo™Canopy® BlendCanopy® HerbicideCaravel® HerbicideChateau® EZChateau® Herbicide SWCheetah® HerbicideCheetah® ProCheetah™ Max HerbicideClassic® HerbicideClassic® HerbicideCleantraxx™Cloak®Clomate™ 3MECobra® HerbicideCollide™ HerbicideCommand® 3MECompensaComradeCorvetteCurio® HerbicideDawn® HerbicideDefiniteDepth Charge™Derecho™Derive 75 DFDerive® 4LDimetric® DF 75%Dimetric® EXTDimetric® LiquidEdict® 2SCEncompass™Enlite®Envive®Envive® HerbicideEnvoke®Envoke® HerbicideEssensaET® Herbicide/DefoliantET®X Herbicide/DefoliantFever™Fever™ HerbicideFierce® EZ HerbicideFierce® HerbicideFierce® MTZ HerbicideFierce® XLT Soybean HerbicideFinale® XL F-VM herbicideFlexstar®Flexstar® GT 3.5Flumi® 51 WDGFlumi® SX HerbicideFlumigard SCFlumigard™ HerbicideFlumioxazin 51% WDG (Redeagle)Flumioxazin 51WDG Select™Foma® 2.0Forfeit® 280ForrestForsyte™ 1.88 SLGaligan® 2EGaligan® H2O HerbicideGCS Flumet 80WDGGlory®Goal® 2XL HerbicideGoal® 2XL HerbicideGoalTender® HerbicideGoalTender® HerbicideGovee™HM-1512 AGHornet® HerbicideHornet® WDG Broadleaf Blend HerbicideIgnite® 280 SLImazethapyr 2 SLImpose®Inflame™ 280 SLIntensaInterline® HerbicideJacket WDGKyber™Latir™Levity™Liberty® 280 SLLiberty® 280 SL HerbicideLiberty® ULTRA HerbicideLifeline®Lifeline® GTLock Down™Lock Down™ SCMainline™Mamba™Marengo®Marengo®Marengo® GMarengo® GMarvel HerbicideMatador®Matador®-SMaxunitech Sulfentrazone 4 SC HerbicideMe-Try-Buzin™ 4LMe-Try-Buzin™ 75DFMetalliS™ PFXMetribuzin 75Metribuzin 75DFMetricor™ 4FMetricor™ DFMetriflex 4SCMetrixxMetrixx 75DFMetrixx PlusMetrixx SCMongoose™ HerbicideNoventa™ HerbicideNufarm Imazapic 2SLNufarm Imazapic 2SL IVM HerbicideNufarm Leopard™ HerbicideOctivio™ PulseOmni® Brand Metribuzin 75 DFOpen Range® GOpportunityOpTill® powered by Kixor® herbicideOpTill® PRO Herbicide (Liquid)OpTill® PRO powered by Kixor® herbicideOutflank™Oxyfluorfen 2E HerbicideOxyStar® 2EOxystar® 4LPanoramic® 2SLPanther® D HerbicidePanther® HerbicidePanther® MTZ HerbicidePanther® Pro HerbicidePanther® SC HerbicidePassage™ HerbicidePayload® HerbicidePayload® SCPemex™Phoenix™ HerbicidePindar® GTPiper™ HerbicidePlateau® herbicidePraxisPRE-Tector™ Plus ECPrefix® HerbicidePromenade™PunchPursuit® herbicidePyrimax™ 3.2 L HerbicidePysonex™ HerbicidePython® HerbicidePython® WDG HerbicideQuake™ HerbicideRancor™ 4 FRancor™ 75 DFReckon™ 280SLRedEagle Flumioxazin 51% WDG Specialty + Field (California only)Refer® 280 SL HerbicideReflex®Rely® 280 HerbicideReptile WDGResist™ HerbicideResist™ HerbicideRezult® B herbicideRezult® G herbicideRhythm® HerbicideRingside®Rowel™ FX HerbicideRowel™ HerbicideRumble®Scepter® 70 DG herbicideScepter® 70 DG herbicideScout™ HerbicideScrollOVR™Scroll™ 2 XLSedona®Semera™ 51.0% WDGSemera™ SCSequence®Shafen HerbicideShafen StarSharpShutdown® HerbicideSinister™Smackdown™Spartan® 4FSpartan® ChargeSpartan® FL 4FSpecticle® Flo HerbicideSpecticle® GStanza™ HerbicideStaple® LXStatement™ HerbicideStaunch® IIStaunch™ HerbicideStrive™Strongarm® HerbicideSulfentrazone 4LSulfin® 4SCSuprend®SureGuard® HerbicideSureGuard® SC HerbicideSureStart® HerbicideSureStart® IISurmise®Surmise® 5Surveil® HerbicideSurveil™ Co-PackSurveil™ Co-Pack (Surveil™ V)Synchrony® XPThreesidual™ HerbicideThunder®Tide Glufosinate 280 SLTop Gun® HerbicideTorment®Total® 2.3Total® HerbicideTouchdown HiTech®Touchdown Total®Touchdown® HerbicideTraxion®Treflan® HFP HerbicideTribal™TriCor® 4FTriCor® DFTrifluence™TripleFLEX® II HerbicideTripleFLEX® II HerbicideTripleFLEX™ HerbicideTrisidual™ HerbicideTrivence™Tuscany®Tuscany® SC HerbicideUltra Blazer® (UPI)UP-Front™UproarValor® EZ Herbicide¹Valor® EZ Herbicide²Valor® SX HerbicideValor® XLT Soybean HerbicideVamos®Varisto® herbicideVarsity®Varsity® SCVenue®Venue® Max HerbicideVida® Herbicide/DesiccantVopak® 3MEWarfox™Warrant® Ultra HerbicideWarrant® Ultra Herbicide (Monsanto)Willowood Chlorim 25WDGWillowood Clomazone 3MEWillowood Fomesafen 1.88SLWillowood Glufosinate 280SLWillowood Glufosinate 280SL (OT)Willowood Imazethapyr 2SLWillowood Lactofen 2ECWillowood Metribuzin 75DFWillowood OxyFlo 2ECWillowood OxyFlo 4SCWillowood Sulfen 4SCWillowood Sulfen ChlorimWillowood Sulfen ImazWillowood Sulfentrazone 4SCWillowood Sulfentrazone AssistZaltus™ SCZeus® HerbicideZeus® Prime XCZeus® XCZidua® PRO powered by Kixor® herbicideZone 4FZone AssistZone DefenseZone HerbicideZone Maxx Herbicide

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