
Jim Enyart, CEAT Specialty Tires

Jim Enyart, technical services manager for CEAT Specialty Tires, has enjoyed a long career that spans multiple facets of the agriculture industry, including fertilizer, ag chemical, consulting, breeding, seed production and research fields for many different crops. His ag tire career has included work with Michelin, Trelleborg Wheel Systems, BKT and most recently CEAT Specialty Tires. He earned a degree from Colorado State University with a double major of Entomology and Zoology, and held an Ag Consultants license from Colorado and Oregon for more than 30 years.

Agronomy • Strategies & Solutions

Five Ways You Can Fight Stubble Damage

Stubble damage has always been present, but was not a big problem fro farmers until the advent of GMO enhanced corn, soybean and cotton varieties. Nobody can easily eliminate the problem, but you can do several things to help reduce tire damage from stub

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