My Sales: Contracts

To seamlessly connect your contracts, tickets, and settlements from your grain buyer, please follow the instructions in this article: How do I load my contracts, tickets, and settlements into the FBN app? If you’d like to manually add any additional contracts, start by making sure you are in the Market section, and then tap on My Sales at the top of the Market screen. Once in the My Sales page you can start adding manual contract information by tapping on the Add Sale button, located in the top right corner of the My Sales page. After tapping on Add Sale, you will be given three options: Contract This option is used in most cases, and is designed for users to be able to enter information on an individual contract. Once selected the user will be able to enter the following contract information: Contract Type Pricing Information Commodity Buyer Name Date of Sale Quantity Committed Crop This section is designed for users working with an FBN® advisor. If you are an FBN Advisory customer and have any questions, please reach out directly to your FBN Crop Marketing Advisor. Generic Crop Sale This section is designed to enter in a single average price for multiple contracts, instead of entering them individually. Once a user has manually entered in contract information, they will be able to find that information in My Sales .

Market • My Sales: Contracts

How can I find specific contracts?

To view all your contracts, make sure you are located in the Market section, and then tap on My Sales at the top of the Market screen. Once in My Sales, make sure you’re in the Contracts tab to view all of your imported contracts. Once you have located the contract you are looking for, click the contract to bring up details and all relevant information associated with the contract. Scroll down in contract details to view the attached Tickets and Settlements . You can also click on Tickets and Settlements to see additional details. To quickly find contracts you are working on, use the Contract Task List . Located in the Market section you will see a Task List. This tile shows an overview of outstanding tasks related to contracts, tickets, settlements, as well as other items requiring action: Deliveries : Contracts that are able to be delivered within the next 30 days. Pricing : Contracts that still need to have futures or basis set. Signatures : Contracts that have yet to be signed. How To: Find Contracts, Scale Tickets and Settlements on the FBN ® App

Market • My Sales: Contracts

Where can I see my contracts?

Make sure you are in the Market section, and then tap on My Sales at the top of the Market screen. Once the My Sales page opens, make sure you are in the Contracts tab. Once you are, you should be able to view the imported contracts from your grain buyer(s) who are FBN® Commercial Partners, as well as contracts you have manually uploaded. How To: Find Contracts, Scale Tickets and Settlements on the FBN App

Sometimes, contract information does not refresh automatically. On the My Sales tab, change the “All” filter to something else and then change it back to “All” which will refresh the information being displayed. To narrow down what you are looking for, click the filter icon on the right hand side of the screen. Then you will be able to filter your contracts by: Date, Actions Needed, Legal Entity, Location, and Crop. If you need support, feel free to reach out using the contact information below:

To find information including remaining bushels on a particular contract, use the Contracts Summary Tile . Located by tapping on the Market icon at the bottom of the app, at which point you will see the Contract Summary Tile near the top of your screen. To see any contracts you are currently partially delivered on, click the first highlighted number below Upcoming Deliveries, labeled due by. This will then bring you to your working contracts, at this point you will be able to see a snapshot of the quantity. How To: Manage Deliveries and Contracts on the FBN App

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