Data Tools

The FBN® Crop Moisture Map shows the crop moisture percentage throughout your field at the time of harvest. The color range on the map varies between light blue/green to dark blue. Dark blue areas represent higher moisture percentage while light blue/green areas represent a lower moisture percentage. Although the same colors will appear on each crop moisture map, the range of values and percentage of moisture is limited to the selected field and will vary from field to field.

The FBN® Drydown Percent Map shows the percent moisture reduction needed to reach the standard moisture for your crop. The standard moistures used vary by crop. The color range on the map varies from dark blue to light blue/green. Dark blue areas require more moisture reduction while light blue areas need less moisture reduction. Although the same colors will appear on each drydown percent map, the range of values and percentage of drydown percentage is limited to the selected field and will vary from field to field. The colors should not indicate “good” or “bad”, but instead should be understood as more or less moisture reduction needed compared to the rest of the field. 

The FBN® Yield Map shows crop yield throughout the field at the time of harvest. The color range on the map varies from green to yellow to red. Green areas represent higher yield while red areas represent lower yield and yellow areas are somewhere in between. Although the same colors will appear on each yield map, the range of values and percentage of yield is limited to the selected field and will vary from field to field. The colors should not indicate “good” or “bad” yield, but instead should be understood as higher and lower yield compared to the rest of the field. With FBN Yield Maps you can print the map directly from your FBN Account by clicking the Print Map button Legend Each bar on the histogram bar chart represents the percentage of the field that corresponds to each yield range and color on the map. Red bars represent areas with lower yield, while green bars represent areas with higher yield. Your average yield value is shown above the chart. Title Average Yield over the entire field Vertical Y-Axis Percentage of Field represented by Yield Range Horizontal X-Axis Yield Ranges

The FBN®   Seeding Rate Map shows the actual seeding rate that your planter recorded throughout the field. This feature is available to FBN members in the United States and Canada. The color range on the map varies between light yellow to dark green. Dark green areas represent higher seeding rates while light yellow areas represent lower seeding rates. Although the same colors will appear on each seeding rate map, the range of values and seeding rate is limited to the selected field and will vary from field to field. Legend Each bar in the histogram bar chart represents the percentage of the field that corresponds to each seeding rate range and color on the map. Light yellow bars represent areas with lower seeding rates, while dark green bars represent areas with higher seeding rates. Your average seeding rate value is shown above the chart.

The FBN® Target Seeding Rate Map shows the seeding rate that you were trying to achieve across your field based on your planting files. This feature is available to FBN members in the United States and Canada. The color range on the map varies between light yellow to dark green. Dark green areas represent higher target seeding rates while light yellow areas represent lower target seeding rates. Although the same colors will appear on each target seeding rate map, the range of values and seeding rate is limited to the selected field and will vary from field to field. Legend The bars on the histogram bar chart represents the percentage of the field that corresponds to each target seeding rate range and color on the map. Light yellow bars represent areas with lower target seeding rates, while dark green bars represent areas with higher target seeding rates. Your average target seeding rate value is shown above the legend. Title Average Target Seeding Rate over the entire field Vertical Y-Axis Percentage of Field represented by Target Seeding Rate Range Horizontal X-Axis  Target Seeding Rate Ranges

The FBN® Prescription Accuracy Map shows how accurately your planter matched your seeding rate prescription. An accuracy of 100% means that your actual seeding rate exactly matched your prescription. A lower accuracy means that the planter missed its target. Currently, this feature is available to FBN members in the United States and Canada. The color range on the map varies between light yellow to dark green. Dark green areas represent higher accuracy while light yellow areas represent lower accuracy. Although the same colors will appear on each prescription accuracy map, the range of values and accuracy is limited to the selected field and will vary from field to field. Legend Each bar in the histogram bar chart represents the percentage of the field that corresponds to each accuracy percentage range and color on the map. Light yellow bars represent areas with lower accuracy percentage, while dark green bars represent areas with higher accuracy percentage. Your average accuracy percentage value is shown above the chart.

The soil temperature map is available to FBN® members in the United States. The map updates daily to show the average soil temperature from 0-10 cm below the surface. To find FBN 's soil temperature map: Log in to Click on Analyze at the top Click on My Operation in left-hand menu Click on Maps Then, click on Soil Temperature . Use the + and - to zoom the map in and out. Please note that the most recent map available will always have a 3 day lag. For example, if you view the map on March 5th, the current map will reflect soil temperatures from March 2nd.

The FBN® Soil Type Map shows the distribution of soil types across your field as defined by the NRCS SSURGO database in the U.S. and the CANSIS database in Canada. The colored areas on the map represent the different soil types as identified in the legend below the map. Hover your mouse over the colors in the chart to see the soil type and the percentage.

FBN® mapping features are powerful tools to give you the big picture of what is actually happening in your field throughout all stages of the growing season. You will be able to quickly understand yield impacts by comparing various categories and years of data. Find the mapping features under the Analyze tab at the top of the page > My Operation in the left-hand menu > Maps. Here you'll see a high-level map of all the fields in your enterprise. You can focus on any individual field by selecting the field in Search for a field . For the US, you can select "Earth View", "Field Maps", "Satellite Maps", "Soil Temperature" maps or "Weather" maps from this screen.  At the field level, choose the map Type : Harvest Planting Application Satellite Natural Features Also, select the Layer options which will change based on the map type (not available for satellite). Once you've selected a map type and layer option, view additional analysis below each map which further breaks down the map data. Compare two maps by selecting the Compare Maps check box. When comparing two maps, you will see a slider bar over the field that you can use to reveal the second map layer. Click and drag the compare slider back and forth to see the difference.

The FBN® Seed Variety Map shows the seed variety or varieties that your planter recorded throughout the field. This feature is available to FBN members in the United States and Canada. The color range on the map varies depending on how many varieties you planted on that field for the year.  Legend The pie chart shows the colors of each variety on the map. You'll also be able to easily see what percent of the field was planted in each variety if you hover over the color. 

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