Verified FBN Member (MN)


Machinery rental

I farm 750 acres. I have decent machinery for that acreage but nothing new. My son has rented a piece of ground. He will be using my machinery. I would be happy just to let him use it but I don't want his siblings to someday say that he got something that they never got. Besides it is a good learning experience to pay for what you use. I'm not sure how to charge him. I was thinking of a flat rate/hour + fuel on tractor usage which would include whatever is being pulled behind it. Then there is the combine and semi. He can pay it off with labor in the spring and fall. Any thoughts or ideas or something that works for you?



Verified FBN Member (IL)

Here's a tool we use to help us figure things like this as there's still some equipment I rent from my dad. We generally have the use of small equipment for the cost of minor repairs and maintainence, but have to pay other comparable rates on tractor hours.

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