Josh McClure
FBN Employee


Drought Rising. 65% of Midwest in Drought. Impacts from AZ to PA.

The Drought Monitor jumped sharply this past week. I've included the 1 week, 2 week, and 4 week change maps, demonstrating the rapid dessication in the Ohio River Valley, but also broadly across Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska.


Huge swathes of the eastern corn belt are now in at least moderate drought with dominant impacts stretching from Arizona to Pennsylvania.


In the Midwest, adequately watered soil has dwindled from 55.7% to just 34.4% in a single week, with more than 65% now seeing some shortness of moisture (Abnormally Dry or drier). 22.4% of the area is in Moderate drought or worse.



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  • Drought Rising. 65% of Midwest in Drought. Impacts from AZ to PA.
  • Drought Rising. 65% of Midwest in Drought. Impacts from AZ to PA.
  • Drought Rising. 65% of Midwest in Drought. Impacts from AZ to PA.


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