Colin Pennington
FBN Employee


Late July Pest Polling

With numerous reports of insect pressure on the rise, FBN conducted another Pest Poll on July 25. The full results from the over 1,200 FBN members who responded can be seen on the maps attached to this post.

One of the more notable observations is the validation of what has been a busy week of calls for FBN Agronomists tied to the rapid increase of Aphid pressure across west central Minnesota, the southern end of the Red River Valley and central Illinois.

Despite not seeing as much Western Bean Cutworm pressure as could be classified as "typical" for this time in the season, we are seeing grower reports increasing across Nebraska and eastern Colorado.

We can also note a steady increase in observations of Aphids and Spider Mites across the grape and tree nut growing regions of California and the Pacific Northwest.

Let us know what you are seeing in your fields in the comments below and don't hesitate to reach out to your FBN representative with questions.

  • Late July Pest Polling
  • Late July Pest Polling
  • Late July Pest Polling