Colin Pennington
FBN Employee


2024 Soybean Planting Progress Poll 5/30 Results

The final FBN Planting Progress Poll of 2024 reveals a 30% increase in soybean planting overall in the last two weeks to a national progress of 75%. This is roughly 12% ahead of the USDA’s 5-year average reported earlier in the week.

While states like KS, MO, IL and KY are showing progress, it is clear to see on the map below the areas of these states that continue to be impacted by heavy rains. Let us know in the comments below what you still have left to plant. Is anyone facing replant decisions?

Thank you to the nearly 3,200 members that contributed to this week’s poll and to all our FBN members who accounted for over 22,000 responses during the six week polling window. Best of luck and stay safe the remainder of this planting season!

2024 Soybean Planting Progress Poll 5/30 Results


Verified FBN Member (ND)

we are making some progress but still need several days of dry weather

Verified FBN Member (ND)

we are all planted in stutsman county North Dakota