Mitchell Roth
FBN Employee


June Corn Disease Update

The 2024 season has seen its fair share of challenges so far with different weather, disease, and insect patterns across the country. One important observation has been the development of Southern Rust and Tar Spot in corn a few weeks earlier than average in many states.

This week we tapped into the power of FBN’s farmer network to help us identify how widespread these two diseases are through June. Our farmer members responded with many known instances of Southern Rust and Tar Spot in many more counties than other maps currently indicate. GCS Azoxyprop is labeled for use against Southern Rust on corn, and many states now have a 2ee label in place recommending use of GCS Azoxyprop to control tar spot too. Read more about these diseases on FBN Pest Pages,,

A few individual reports of mealybug and leafhopper issues are also beginning to pop up in California wine grape vineyards. We asked our network of California growers about these pests, and 70% of respondents have not observed these pests yet. Continue to scout your crops and let us know what you are seeing!

  • June Corn Disease Update
  • June Corn Disease Update