Mikaela Tierney
FBN Employee


New Report Reveals 468% Variation in U.S. Chem Prices

Did you see the latest price trend insights published yesterday? Developed using anonymized farmer-submitted invoices, the free 2024 U.S. Ag Chem Price Transparency Report reveals extreme price differences for 15+ popular products, including:

- Enlist One®

- Roundup PowerMAX® 3

- Liberty® 280 SL

- Atrazine 4

After analyzing 2,400+ unique pricing data points across 33 states, our FBN Data Science team uncovered price differences up to:

- 468% nationwide

- 400% within the same state

- 27% within a 5 mile radius

Click here to see the exclusive report:

New Report Reveals 468% Variation in U.S. Chem Prices