Verified FBN Member (SD)


What to do when new neighbors threatened to sue over there gardens dies because of chemical drift


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Hopefully you have spray records that include chemicals & weather conditions for the day you sprayed next to their place and for every time you’ve sprayed since you’ve farmed next to them. Then check local and state laws to see what they may or may not be able to come after you for. Possible your insurance will cover the damages but if they are serious about suing then find an attorney to confer w...



Verified FBN Member (WI)

IF you sprayed in windy conditions, you accepted the risk. Sounds like a calm sit down with your neighbor is in order. Sometimes a explanation and a im sorry goes a long way


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Do some checking with your county and the state. There may be laws protecting fatms from this kind of thing.

When we moved to our current location, I signed something (it was 20 years ago) saying I could not go after the farm next to my place for chemical damage. I have lost trees, bushes and pasture grass to drift.

Be proactive.