FBN it’s been great. We’ve had an awesome time together. This isn’t a good bye post as we’re still going to do some business with FBN. I’m not that ticked off. Disappointed is likely the better word. You’ve made some changes, some for the better & some maybe not. I appreciate the 0% coming back. That has been great to have when it’s been around. Dumping the seed and the recent changes to the CB program not as awesome. One major issue though that is impacting our relationship going forward is the lack of helping guys collect the used FBN chem totes from their property. I know it’s an industry issue but I’ve got two local suppliers that are taking back any shuttle we get from them instead of leaving us to deal with it. Likely that they will be getting more of our business going forward. Something needs to change there FBN.
I started this year with 110 totes that needed removed from our place by 10/1/24. You guys came through and got 50 picked up in the spring but then radio silence since. Why don’t you take these back for Willowood & yourself to refill on the ones you can? I know I’m a small fish in the pond but what we buy will be substantially reduced as a result until this is addressed. I love a lot about FBN, especially the price transparency but I really think you need to step up on this.
We sell all of our totes for $20.00. We do not have a problem with them. We turned a problem into a profit.
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