How does FBN work?

The FBN network does a very old thing in a new way.

Farmers have been sharing information and learning from one another since the dawn of agriculture, it's one of the very roots of human civilization. The FBN network uses data from precision equipment and other sources, then connects you with thousands of elite growers from around the US and Canada. FBN turns the world into your plot trial by anonymously aggregating and analyzing millions of acres of farm data through the FBN analytics tools. 

Information about your farm is never visible to other FBN members, no one can see what you do on your fields, and your data is never sold. By participating in FBN, you'll receive comprehensive agronomic analytics, reports, and mapping on your own farm, and can also access this pool of aggregated, anonymized cleaned data on things such as seed performance, performance benchmarking, crop & market trends and input prices. 

By tapping into thousands of fields and millions of acres of data, farmers can realize the power of a scale of information that has never before been available to farmers - all created by and for other farmers. That's what we call, Democratizing Data. Farmers, not the industry, deserve the benefit of aggregated information. Meaning you can farm with higher confidence, and gain insights into the best products and practices that could increase your yields and profits. 

FBN analytics can work on dozens of crops and integrate over 60 types of precision software. Many farmers join FBN with their friends to create local agronomic data clusters. Agronomists and trusted advisors can also use FBN analytics to manage their client's farm data and produce customized analytics.

The FBN network creates a future for farmers that is independent, data driven, transparent, and fair with real competition for your business. It all boils down to more profits for independent family farms and better outcomes for food consumers.

Join Farmers Business Network today to see how you can put the power of the FBN network to work on your operation! 

Do you have additional questions?


Call or text 844-200-3276

Copyright © 2014 - 2025 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, Farmers First flag logo, "Farmers Business Network," "FBN," "FBN Direct," "F2F," "F2F Genetics Network," "Blue River", and "Farmers First" are registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. or its affiliates. "Gradable Carbon" is a trademark of Gradable LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. *Fees may apply for certain product and service offerings other than FBN membership. Terms and conditions apply. Products sold or distributed through FBN Direct are offered by FBN Inputs, LLC and are available only in states where FBN Inputs, LLC is licensed and where those products are registered for sale or use, if applicable. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Grain market advisory services are offered by FBN CM LLC and are only available where FBN CM LLC is licensed. FBN Brokerage services are offered by FBN BR LLC, dba FBN Market Advisory - NFA ID: 0508695. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or success; prices and savings may vary. FBN merchandise provided in recognition of testimonials.

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