Warner Seeds Partners With FBN®

Mark Wilson

Jan 21, 2022

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Four years ago, Warner Seeds decided to partner with FBN® to expand their distribution. Warner Seeds has been in business since 1965 and partnering with FBN has allowed them to get more boots on the ground to start spreading the word about their portfolio.

History of Warner Seeds

Warner Seeds has developed new top performing sorghum products for the last 55 years as an independently owned business. Being proudly independent has provided them with the flexibility to better serve farmers and ranchers. But their primary focus has never wavered and continues to be on keeping the quality of their products and the service they provide at the highest level. 

And while the agricultural environment is ever-changing, research is an important and vital part of their business. They are constantly developing newer and better hybrids for growers and are excited about the new grain and forage sorghums that will be released in the near future. 

Partnering with FBN

The partnership with FBN has allowed them to take their product nationwide. Warner Seeds has been represented in states and areas where there was previously not an opportunity.. 

There are only about 6 companies that produce and breed all of the sorghum varieties that are in market today.

Expanding to new regions

“Warner Seeds is well known in Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, and Oklahoma but nationwide recognition is a different story. To actually get sorghum placed in a lot of areas that haven't grown sorghum in the past has been huge. The price of sorghum as a commodity created a lot of opportunity for Warner Seeds and FBN helped us get into new growing areas,” said Rusty Smallwood, Sales Manager at Warner Seeds. 

“I've been hearing some really good success stories of guys that planted our products in those areas, they did really well and farmers are interested in trying a little bit more this year. We're very encouraged and hope the growth is going to continue exponentially over the next few years.”

Warner Seeds has a full lineup of hybrids that perform from the tip of South Texas into the Midwest, to west on the upslope of the mountains in Colorado and as far north as South Dakota.

Looking to the future

As for the future, Smallwood is excited about what’s in the pipeline. There are a lot of new products being released to market as older hybrids are replaced.

“Forage sorghum? We have some of the best in the industry. We have some of the highest yielding sugarcane aphid tolerant silage sorghum products out there. We also have sugarcane aphid tolerance in our hay and grazing products as well.

Sorghum Sudangrass covers a wide geographic area from South Dakota, down into Texas through the mid south and up the East Coast into Pennsylvania and New York.”

Smallwood says he works closely with FBN reps on a daily basis to talk about product placement and product recommendations to help growers. 

"We’re here to sell seed to the farmer and to make sure they get the best deals and the best product. We want to continue to expand our relationship with FBN and get more farmers to experience Warner Seeds great lineup."

In 2021, Warner Seeds hosted 6 uniform strip trials across Kansas’ primary sorghum producing areas. The results were very positive; the Warner Seeds outperformed major competitors in most scenarios. We were able to capture such valuable information in such a diverse, robust manner that absolutely confirmed that Warner Seeds grain sorghum can provide a great option for most farmers’ sorghum production needs. Our sales teams would be happy to share trial results and discuss product placement. We’re looking forward to expansion and FBN is helping us look at many states where we haven’t sold as much in the past.

Learn more

For complete information about the Warner Seeds Sorghum lineup reach out to your FBN Account Executive or Community Builder.

Product information can be found at https://www.fbn.com/direct/seed.

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Warner Seeds, Inc Research Performance Service & Design is a registered trademark of Warner Seeds, Inc.

Mark Wilson

Jan 21, 2022

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