Join The Corn & Soybean Yield Prediction Beta

FBN Network

May 20, 2019

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By combining agronomic data (including soil type, seed variety performance and planting date) with weather and satellite imagery, we can now provide FBN members in select geographies with field-by-field yield predictions for corn & soybeans!*  Yield predictions are free for members who've added this season's planting files.* 

As the season progresses, yield predictions will automatically update as crop health, growth stage, and weather variables are analyzed for each field.

The prediction model uses satellite imagery derived EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) to assess crop health throughout the season. Crop growth stage is also calculated, which influences how weather variables impact yield. Weather information such as temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, solar radiation an evapo-transpiration among others are all incorporated into the model.

If you're an FBN member, live in one of the following states (IL, IA, IN, ND, SD, MN, NE), and have contributed 2019 planting data, then you can access your report today!

See your yield predictions by signing in and visiting "My Reports"

What Beta Participants Can Expect To See:

Enterprise Level

Every 15 days, FBN members will receive corn yield predictions for their entire farm (averaging all fields with corn planting data).

  • 2 Week Trend - Difference between current estimated yield and the estimated yield 2 weeks ago. 

  • Track Since Planting - Track yield estimates throughout the entire season. The yield estimate range will shrink as the season progresses!

  • 3 Scenarios Provided - Good, Average, Bad

Field Level

Have a super star field? Or one that might need some help? Each week, members receive updated yield estimates for all of their individual corn fields with planting data!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why did I not receive the yield prediction report? 

*This report was generated only for famers from Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska who submitted corn or soybean 2019 precision planting data. If you fulfill the above conditions and still have not received the report, please get in touch with us at

Why are the yield estimates changing with time?

The estimates are updated based on imagery and weather information. As we get more data the yield estimates will change.

The estimates for some of my fields seems way off. What’s going on?

Many reasons could contribute to incorrect estimates, including:

1. Limited data for your varieties in your region

2. Incorrectly labeled crop or incorrectly labeled variety.It is very important that the variety names from your planting file are matched to approved varieties in yourFBNaccount. If the varieties are not matched, then we cannot take into account the network performance of the varieties you planted. To update your varieties, please visit here.

We are still testing and improving this product, so if you see predictions that seem wrong to you, we’d greatly appreciate the feedback so that we can use it to improve the model in the future. Please let us know about feedback by submitting the form here.

Do you consider chemical applications in the model?

Application data is not yet incorporated in the model, but will be added in the future.

Can I get predictions for my other crops?

Not yet, but we certainly can add more crops in the future.

What is the source of the imagery data?

The imagery data is sourced from MODIS (

FBN members have access to a whole suite of useful tools for their farm's, including:

FBN Network

May 20, 2019

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