Planting season often has a significant impact on agricultural markets. Today we’re excited to announce the publication of FBN’s 2023 Canadian Planting Intentions Report, which provides one of the first major survey-based estimates of Canadian farmers’ planting intentions for the year.
This report comes ahead of the release of Statistics Canada’s Acreage Report, which is scheduled for release on April 26, 2023.
[UNLOCK the 2023 Canadian Planting Intentions Report Report here]
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Beginning late last month through mid-April, FBN members in Canada participated in a survey about their planted acreage for key crops in 2022 and what they intend to plant in 2023.
The survey responses are confidential and were aggregated and anonymized to protect the identity and operational details of our members, then enriched with data science to return strategic insights back to our members.
We hope our findings and marketing guidance empower you to be better positioned and ready to make knowledgeable decisions that drive an ROI-focused ag business. Download the report to learn more about the FBN Research team’s predictions for:
Spring Wheat
Click here to access or download the report.
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