• 2024 Ag Chemical Price Transparency Report

    Transparent pricing is the first step towards fair and competitive input markets for farmers. We analyzed thousands of reported chemical prices to shine a light on ag chemical pricing.

  • 2024 Planting Intentions Report

    This report provides survey-based estimates for 2024 acreage across major crops in the US, powered by participation of our members.

  • 2023 FBN Planting Intentions Report

    Planting season usually has a significant impact on agricultural markets. The FBN Planting Intentions Report provides one of the first major survey-based estimates of U.S. farmers' planting intentions for 2023.

  • 2023 Ag Chemical Price Transparency Report

    Transparent pricing is the first step towards fair and competitive input markets for farmers. We analyzed thousands of reported chemical prices to shine a light on ag chemical pricing.

  • FBN U.S. Yield Report, November 2022

    Ahead of the USDA’s final yield report for 2022, learn what FBN is forecasting in our latest member report.

  • Illinois Farmland Values (Fall 2022)

    Learn how data points such as soil quality, land productivity, historical ag yield data and more factor into the State of Illinois Farmland Report 2022.

  • Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine War: Six Months Later

    Analyzing data collected over the past six months of conflict between Russia and Ukraine, this new report looks at the impacts on agricultural trade, markets and global food security and implications for 2023 and beyond.

  • Fall Fertilizer Transparency Report, October 2022

    With fertilizer prices continuing to surge into 2023, FBN has released its first Fertilizer Transparency Report to see how rapidly increasing fertilizer prices will impact farmers’ applications rates this fall and planting decisions next year.

  • FBN U.S. Yield Report, October 2022

    As the 2022 crop season comes to an end, FBN’s model-based yield estimate will shift to actual field observations for US corn and soybean yield prediction.

  • FBN U.S. Yield Report, September 2022

    Ahead of the USDA’s latest Crop Production report on U.S. corn and soybean yield potential, learn what FBN is forecasting in our latest member report.

  • FBN U.S. Yield Report - August 2022

    The first report of FBN's fall series of yield & harvest related reports is a model-based USA corn & soybean yield prediction

  • Farmland at Risk An FBN® Special Report

    As clouds loom over the U.S. economy, will they cast a shadow on the future of farmland’s impressive value growth to this point?

  • 2022 FBN U.S. Acreage Report

    The U.S. June Acreage Survey asked members what their actual planted acres were across 9 key crops. The analysis and results were made possible by farmers in the FBN network. Thank you.

  • 2022 FBN Canada Plantings Report

    Powered by participation of our members, the FBN Canada Plantings Report provides one of the first major survey-based estimates of Canadian farmers’ planting intentions for the year.

  • 2022 U.S. Plantings Report

  • State of Agriculture 2022

    In this economic outlook report, Chief Economist, Kevin McNew and his research team of agricultural economists dig into the many variables influencing agricultural markets and will paint a clearer picture of the State of Agriculture in 2022.

  • Seed Labeling Report - 5th Edition

    Read our analysis on the industry practice of seed labeling, including updated data for the 2021 crop year.

  • 2020 Network Trends Report: The Future of the Family Farm

    FBN looks at the biggest challenges facing family farmers and the solutions that farmers can use to maximize their profit potential.

  • 2019 U.S. Crop Year in Review

    Read our analysis of the historic weather conditions that led to massive flooding as U.S. farmers headed into the 2019 crop year.

  • 2020 Farming Trends Report

    Catch up on the latest trends in agriculture observed across FBN member acres, from agronomic practices to seed selection to farm economics. See how aggregated, anonymous data can inform decisions you make for your operation.

  • 2019 Ag Chemical Price Transparency Report

    Transparent pricing is the first step towards fair and competitive input markets for farmers. We analyzed thousands of reported chemical prices to shine a light on ag chemical pricing.

  • Ag Chemical Buying Guide

    Read the Ag Chemical Buying Guide for 3 Steps to Saving on Inputs, Protecting Your Crops and Supporting Your Bottom Line.

  • Seed Selection Playbook

    See how FBN Seed Finder can help you put a winning seed strategy to work on your farm.

  • 2019 Seed Price Transparency Report

    Do You Know Which Seed Companies are the Most Expensive in Your State?

  • Put Precision Maps to Work on Your Farm

    With FBN, you can analyze all of your farm's maps in one place! Precision maps are great place to start when evaluating performance on a given field, or across your whole farm. Download our guide to see how you can use yield, application and planting maps in FBN.

  • 5 Ways To Use Next Level Satellite Imagery On Your Farm

    Satellite imagery makes you an even better field scout and problem solver, and that's a big time-saver. Learn how to use it to do the dirty work on your farm.

  • Planting Data Guide

    Want to make sure you're using best practices around pre-planting and monitor calibration? Want to ensure you're getting the most out of your precision ag data? We'll show you how in this planting data guide.

  • DIY On-Farm Trials Guide - 2019

    You don't have to be a researcher or an extension agronomist to run on-farm field trials that you can actually use. We'll walk you through how to set them up and manage them successfully throughout the growing season.

  • Do Seed Traits Pay?

    Seed prices have risen as new trait technology have entered the market. With low commodity prices, is purchasing newer and more expensive corn and soybean seed traits worth it?

  • SPECIAL Addendum to the Discounts In Corn Seed Report - 2018

    Exclusive addendum to the Corn Seed Discounts Report to help prepare you for seed negotiations. We've included additional graphs showing discounts and yield compared to list prices for Pioneer® and Dekalb® brand corn …

  • Corn Seed Zone Pricing Report - 2018

    A common industry practice is zone pricing. Zone pricing costs U.S. corn farmers an average of $13 per acre in 2017 alone. Find out how your state compares.

  • Discounts in Corn Seed Report - 2018

    Seed companies offer a number of different discounting programs. Find out, if it pays to be brand loyal, if volume discounts are worth it and more in this report.

  • Row Spacing

    A detailed look at row spacing trends across the Corn Belt. 1.36 million acre-events of yield data were analyzed for this report.

  • The Voice of the Farmer 2017

    Dozens of farmers voiced their biggest concerns about the state of farming, We examined the data behind the trends.

  • Historical Performance of Deferring Futures at Harvest

    The historical performance of deferring your futures on unpriced, delivered bushels at harvest. Check out this report if you are delivering unpriced bushels, and have interest in deferring, or rolling, your futures to a new …

  • 2016 Seed Price Transparency Report

    We analyzed thousands of unique seed pricing data points to help you better understand the reality of seed costs. We found that certain hybrids could vary as much as 111% in price and even over 60% within states.

  • Seed Brand report

    This report breaks down corn and soybean seed brand market share by state. Over 14 million acre-events of data, with 1.5 million acre-events in 2016 alone, were analyzed for this report, representing thousands of individual farms in 30 states.