Day 3 Recap: Top Moments From Farmer2FarmerVI

Mark Wilson

Dec 09, 2022

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The final day of Farmer2FarmerVI started with another Crop Circles networking event. Farmers gathered over breakfast to discuss their operations with fellow network members. 

Farmers came away from Crop Circles with some interesting takeaways and shared them with us on our Community Forums.

A farmer from Indiana said, “There are a lot more opportunities with FBN® than originally thought.”

Another farmer from Nebraska said he came away from Crop Circles, “Trying to understand synthetics and how capital funding could benefit me without interrupting my estate plan.”

FBN Business Trainings 

There were a number of business trainings explaining the wide range of products and financial services available from FBN and FBN® Finance:

  • Crop Protection Lineup, Biologicals & Acre Pack Training

  • Finance & Insurance Programs

  • How to Become an FBN Community Builder

  • Livestock & Livestock Insurance

  • Seed & Seed Treatments Lineup 2023

  • Sustainability Programs & Contracts

  • Field Trial Program 2023

  • Canadian Programs 2023

One of the highlights from these sessions came from the Crop Protection Lineup, Biologicals & Acre Pack Training. A few interesting takeaways to consider:

  • 18 of the top 25 crop protection products in the U.S. will be FBN products by 2025.

  • FBN is investing $50M in crop protection R&D in the next 3 years

FBN Olympics

The FBN Olympics saw stiff competition from many of our farmers and own employees. FBN Co-Founder Charles Baron stepped up to the plate to compete with the tire flip. Watch Charles have some fun flipping tires. 

Fireside chat with FBN CEO & Co-Founder Amol Deshpande

FBN CEO Amol Deshpande and Co-Founder Charles Baron end Farmer2FarmerVI with a discussion about the entrepreneurial mindset.

Amol shared this piece of advice, "This is a message to anybody who’s out there running a company of any kind, you have to think about the organizations. But you have to have the courage to stay the course in the long term and not fall prey to short-term mindset. If you’re going to do that, then all those best laid plans go away."

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Mark Wilson

Dec 09, 2022

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