
Dr. Erika Nagorske

Dr. Erika Nagorske is a practicing veterinarian with Southwest Veterinary Services, FBN’s official veterinary partner. She is originally from Wisconsin and graduated from UofM Vet School in 2016. She has been practicing dairy, dairy calf, and feedlot medicine for the last 6 years. She is passionate about cow comfort, calf health/management and animal welfare. She enjoys assisting producers in making their animals more healthy and comfortable, thus increasing their return, longevity, and profitability. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and son on their acreage with their many animals, fishing, and spending time outside. 

Feb 29, 2024

by Dr. Monty Kerley

Liquid feed is a molasses-based supplement for livestock that provides added minerals , vitamins, protein, and energy in a convenient, cost-effective and easy-to-handle form. It complements cattle's primary forage and grain diets, ensuring they receive a well-balanced nutrition profile. How to Deliv

Dec 19, 2023

by Dr. Erika Nagorske

While most species like humans and dogs develop an immune system in utero, calves are born without much of an immune system. With this in mind, it’s important to know when you should supplement colostrum. Dr. Erika Nagorske, a practicing veterinarian with Southwest Veterinary Services, FBN®’s offici

Nov 28, 2023

by Dr. Steve Dudley

As cold weather approaches, it’s time to start thinking about lice control in cattle. These parasitic nuisances can cause all kinds of problems from hair loss to reduced weight gain. Watch Dr. Steve Dudley, FBN® Head of Technical Services and practicing veterinarian with Southwest Veterinary Service

Most cattle producers feed their cattle minerals... but are they feeding them the right ones? And how high should cattle mineral intake be? To address common producer questions and offer suggestions on what beef producers should consider when developing a mineral program, we spoke with Dr. Brian Dor

Transitioning calves from pasture to the feedyard can be a stressful process for cattle... but it doesn't have to be. Anything producers can do to minimize that stress helps calves respond better to vaccines, stay healthy and start eating feed sooner. Calf Stress Factors Some of the main factors tha

Articles Livestock

Why Cattle Implants Pay

Implants are a great investment technology for cattle producers with one of the highest returns on investment. How do implants work, and how do they actually pay off in the long run? How Implants Work Implants are small pellets inserted into the ear of a calf that slowly release a growth stimulant t

When done correctly, breeding cattle via artificial insemination (AI) can achieve successful conception rates. It’s important to be mindful of using the proper techniques and procedures for your AI program. Planning and setting up a proper estrous synchronization protocol in conjunction with CIDRs ®

Jun 02, 2023

by Dr. Erika Nagorske

As temperatures rise, start looking out for signs of heat stress in cattle. Because cattle don’t sweat effectively, they instead rely on their own respiration to cool themselves. Even at only 80℉, cattle endure a significant amount of stress trying to deal with their heat load. It’s important to spo