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This product is used for comparison purposes only and not available for purchase on FBN. | FBN PRICE $12,223.75 ($44.45/gal)CASH PRICE $11,490.33 ($41.78/gal)275 gal tote |
Active Ingredient(s): Plant nutrient Available Phosphate (P2O5) (1.8054 lbs/gal); Plant nutrient Copper (Cu) (0.00743 lbs/gal); Plant nutrient Iron (Fe) (0.02124 lbs/gal); Plant nutrient Manganese (Mn) (0.00637 lbs/gal); Plant nutrient Soluble Potash (K2O) (0.3186 lbs/gal); Plant nutrient Total Nitrogen (N) (0.7434 lbs/gal); Plant nutrient Zinc (Zn) (0.10089 lbs/gal) | Type: Biostimulant Active Ingredient(s): High Uptake Nutrient (1 lbs/gal) |
$0.00/gal Ingredient Ratio: x1.00 Adjusted price estimate: $0.00/gal | FBN Price $44.45/gal Ingredient Ratio: x1.81 Adjusted price estimate: $80.25/gal |
Discounts calculated in your cart and checkoutSpring Stock Up Sale: Save 5% on select herbicides and all adjuvants and crop nutrition products on orders of $20,000 or more thru March 31. | |
Potential delays for this productManufacturer state registration |
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