Not Sold | ||
FBN PRICE $93.05 ($18.61/gal)CASH PRICE $87.47 ($17.49/gal)2.5 gal jug (× 2) | FBN PRICE $3,943.20 ($14.88/gal)CASH PRICE $3,706.61 ($13.99/gal)265 gal tote | |
Active Ingredient(s): Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt (4 lbs/gal) | Active Ingredient(s): Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt (5.4 lbs/gal) | Active Ingredient(s): Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt (5.4 lbs/gal) |
$0.00/gal Ingredient Ratio: x1.00 Adjusted price estimate: $0.00/gal | FBN Price $18.61/gal Ingredient Ratio: x0.74 Adjusted price estimate: $13.79/gal | FBN Price $14.88/gal Ingredient Ratio: x0.74 Adjusted price estimate: $11.02/gal |
Discounts calculated in your cart and checkoutVOLUME DISCOUNT: Buy a Truckload (16 totes) of Willowood Glypho 5 and receive 2% OFF this product! | ||
Potential delays for this productManufacturer state registration | Potential delays for this productManufacturer state registration |
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