How to Identify Johnsongrass
Johnsongrass stands tall and robust, often towering over 6 feet. It boasts a thick, coarse stem and broad, lance-shaped leaves that can extend up to 2 feet. The plant flaunts large, purplish seed heads that are hard to miss.
Johnsongrass' extensive, creeping rhizome system is a significant indicator of its presence. These underground stems enable the plant to spread quickly and endure unfavorable conditions. The rhizomes, coupled with the plant's characteristic seed heads, are strong signs of a johnsongrass invasion.
Johnsongrass can be identified by its towering growth, broad leaves, and large seed heads. However, the most conclusive identification hinges on the plant's rhizome system. These creeping underground stems are white to cream-colored and end in sharp points.
(Image Credit: John D. Byrd, Mississippi State University,