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Seedcorn Maggot


Seedcorn maggot (Delia platura) is a common pest that can cause significant damage to corn crops. By feeding on germinating seeds and young seedlings, its presence typically leads to stunted growth, reduced vigor, uneven stands, delayed crop emergence and lower yields. Weakened plants are also then more susceptible to disease and other stressors.

(Image Credit: Art Cushman, USDA Systematics Entomology Laboratory,


How to Identify Seedcorn Maggot

Identifying seedcorn maggot can be challenging, but there are key indicators to look out for, including:

  • Wilted or dead seedlings, especially in moist areas, may indicate seedcorn maggot feeding on the roots

  • Discolored or rotting seeds are also a clue, as seedcorn maggots feed on germinating seeds, causing them to decay

  • Small, white maggots can often be found in the soil near damaged plants

Regions Typically Affected by Seedcorn Maggot

Seedcorn maggot tends to be more prevalent in areas with cooler climates and heavy, poorly drained soils. The Midwest, including states like Iowa, Illinois and Indiana, is particularly susceptible.

(Image Credit: Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado State University,

When Does Seedcorn Maggot Affect Crops?

Typically appearing during the early season when soil temperatures fall within the range of 50°F to 86°F (10°C to 30°C), seedcorn maggots are particularly active in the first few weeks after planting.

How to Manage Seedcorn Maggot Infestations

Implement good agricultural practices such as proper crop rotation, timely planting, and maintaining optimal soil moisture levels. There are no rescue treatments for seedcorn maggot control in corn. Fields with a high risk of economic injury from seedcorn maggots may consider seed-applied or in-furrow insecticides.

When deciding whether to employ chemical products to control maggots, farmers should first assess the severity of the infestation and determine the economic threshold for treatment. In cases where infestation levels are high, the use of insecticides can serve as a supplemental control measure.

One popular option is Willowood Lambda-Cy 1EC**, an insecticide containing lambda-cyhalothrin, which is labeled for use on corn specifically for seedcorn maggot control.

Another option is GCS Bifenthrin 2EC**, which is another insecticide containing bifenthrin with similar label applications against seedcorn maggot.


© 2014 - 2024 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, “Farmers Business Network”, “FBN”, “FBN Direct” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. This content was written by Norm℠, reviewed and edited by Mikaela Tierney.

**RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE Due to acute toxicity. For retail sale to and use by certified applicators only – NOT to be used by uncertified persons working under the supervision of a certified applicator.

FBN Direct products and services and other products distributed by FBN Direct are offered by FBN Inputs, LLC and are available only in states where FBN Inputs, LLC is licensed and where those products are registered for sale or use, if applicable. If applicable, please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Nothing contained on this page, including the prices listed should be construed as an offer for sale, or a sale of products. All products and prices are subject to change at any time and without notice and excludes CA mills tax and MN ACRRA fees. Terms and conditions apply.

Every product that labels SEEDCORN MAGGOT as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Acceleron® I-374 Insecticide Seed TreatmentAcceleron® I-609 Insecticide Seed TreatmentAcceleron® IC-609Acceleron® IDL-810Acceleron® IX-409Acceleron® IX-409 Insecticide Seed TreatmentAcenthrin™Adage™Adage™ STAnnex® LFR®Arctic® 3.2 ECAttendant® 480 FSAttendant® 600 FSAvicta® Complete Beans 500Avicta® Complete Corn 250Avicta® Duo CornAxcess™ Insecticide Seed TreatmentAztec® 2.1% Granular InsecticideAztec® 4.67 GAztec® HCAztec® HC SmartCartridge™Aztec® SmartBox® 4.67 GBatallion™ 2 ECBatallion™ LFCBaythroid® XLBi-Dash 2EBifen 2 AG GoldBifen 25% ECBifender® FC InsecticideBifenthrin 2EC InsecticideBifenture® ECBifenture® LFCBolton™Brigade® 2EC Insecticide/MiticideCapture® 2EC-CALCapture® 3RIVE 3DCapture® LFR®Cavalry™ IIChlorpyrifos 15GChlorpyrifos 4E-AGClariva® Elite BeansCobalt® AdvancedCobalt® InsecticideConcur® Seed TreatmentCounter® 15-G Lock'n Load®Counter® 15G Smartbox®Counter® 20G Lock'n Load®Counter® 20G Smartbox®Counter® 20G SmartCartridge®Cruiser® 5FSCruiserMaxx®CruiserMaxx® AdvancedCruiserMaxx® APXCruiserMaxx® APX UncoloredCruiserMaxx® EZCruiserMaxx® PlusCruiserMaxx® Vibrance®CruiserMaxx® Vibrance® PulsesCrusader 2MECrusader® 1ECDeclare® InsecticideDeclare® InsecticideDefcon® 4.67GDefcon™ 2.1GDiscipline® 2ECDiscipline® CADyna-Shield Conquest™Dyna-Shield® Imidacloprid 5Elliptica™Empower 2®Enhance® AWEquity® VIPEquity™Ethos® 3D Insecticide/FungicideEthos® Elite LFR® Insecticide/BiofungicideEthos® XB Insecticide/FungicideFanfare® 2ECFanfare® ECFanfare® ESFirestone™Force® 10G HL SmartBox®Force® 10G HL Smartcartridge™Force® 3GForce® 3G SmartBox®Force® 6.5GForce® CSForce® EvoFortenza®Fortress® 5G InsecticideFrenzy VelozGaucho® 600 FlowableGaucho® Opti Soybean Seed TreatmentGCS Bifenthrin 2ECGCS Bifenthrin LFCGovern® 4EGrizzly® TooGrizzly® Z InsecticideHatchet® InsecticideHelix XTra®Helix® Vibrance®Hero® EWHero® InsecticideIndex® Liquid At-Plant InsecticideINOVATE™ Seed ProtectantINOVATE™ System Kit (2 Pieces)INTEGO™ SUITE SoybeansINTEGO™ SUITE SystemKaiso® 24 WGKarate® InsecticideKarate® with Zeon™ TechnologyKendo® 22.8 CSKendo™ InsecticideKernel Guard® SupremeL - C InsecticideLambda TLambda-Cy AGLambda-Cy™ EC Insecticide-RUPLambdafos™ InsecticideLamcap® IILamcap™Lancer® 2ECLancer® FCLatitude®Legend™ 5L STLegumeStar™ Select STLeverage® 360Lorsban® 15G Granular InsecticideLorsban® 15G Smartbox®Lorsban® 50W in Water Soluble Packets InsecticideLorsban® 75 WGLorsban® Advanced InsecticideLorsban®-4E InsecticideLumiderm®Lumisure®Lumiverd™Lumivia®Lunge™ InsecticideMacho® 480 STMacho® 600 STMajestene®Manticor™ LFR® In-Furrow Fungicide/InsecticideMatch-Up™ InsecticideMustang® MaxxNipsIt INSIDE® InsecticideNitro Shield®Nitro Shield® IVNufarm Lambda-Cyhalothrin 1EC InsecticideNurizma™ InsecticideParadigm®Paradigm® VCPerm-UP® 3.2 ECPermaStar™ AG InsecticidePermethrinPermethrin 3.2 AGPermethrin 3.2 ECPermethrin 3.2 EC (70506-9-5905)Poncho® 600 Seed TreatmentPoncho® VOTiVO®Poncho® Votivo® Precise Seed TreatmentPoncho® Votivo® Seed TreatmentPoncho® XC Seed TreatmentPounce® 1.5GPrecept™ InsecticideProaxis® InsecticideProaxis® InsecticideProaxis™Province® IIProvince™PureSpray™ GreenRavage®Regard® SCResonate™ 480 STResonate™ 600 STReveal®Reveal® CAReveal® Endurx™Revere® 2.0Revize® Imida STRuckus™ LFR® InsecticideSaurus™Seduce®Seed Shield® BeansSeed Shield® SoybeanSeguroSenator® 600 FSSepresto 75 WSSerpent™ 1 ECSharda Imidacloprid 5SCSilencer®Silencer® VXN™SlugbugSmartChoice® HCSmartChoice™ 5G Lock 'n LoadSmartChoice™ 5G SmartBoxSniper®Sniper® Helios®Sniper® LFR®SoyStar™ Elite STSoyStar™ Premier STSoyStar™ Select STSoyStar™ Supreme STSpirato® IMTm 348 FSSTartUP™ BIFEN Seed TreatmentSTartUP™ IMIDA Seed TreatmentSteed® InsecticideSultrus™Tailgunner™Temitry™ LFR®Tenkoz® Permethrin 3.2 ECTepera® PlusTepera® Plus HDTepera® Plus HDThimet® 20-G EZ Load®Thimet® 20-G Lock 'N Load®Thimet® 20-G SmartBox®Tombstone™Tombstone™ Helios®Tundra® EC (1381-196)Tundra® LFCTundra® SupremeUpShot™ Soybean Seed TreatmentVerimark®Verimark® Insect ControlVoltage Endurx®Vulcan®Warden® CXWarden® CX IIWarhawk®Warhawk® ClearForm®Warrior II with Zeon Technology®Whirlwind®Willowood Bifenthrin 2ECWillowood Imidacloprid 4STWillowood Lambda 1ECWillowood Lambda-Cy 1ECXpedient® Plus™Xpedient® Plus™ VYuma® 4E

Copyright © 2015 - 2025 Farmer's Business Network Canada, Inc. All rights reserved. The sprout logo, "Farmers Business Network," "FBN,", "Farmers First", "FBN Direct," "F2F Genetics Network", "Pro Ag", and "Professional Ag Distributors" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 

FBN Direct products and services and other products distributed by FBN Direct are offered by Farmer's Business Network Canada, Inc. and are available only in provinces where Farmer's Business Network Canada, Inc. is licensed and where those products are registered for sale or use, if applicable. Not available in Quebec. Nothing contained on this page, including the prices listed should be construed as an offer for sale, or a sale of products. All products and prices are subject to change at any time and without notice. Terms and conditions apply.

Any product recommendations or preselected bundles are for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for consulting the applicable product label or independently determining the appropriate product offerings and quantities for your operation.

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Qualified farmers are eligible to receive a fixed prime interest rate until September 30, 2024 to finance purchases of input products made through FBN Direct between December 9, 2023 - August 31, 2024 and financed by Farm Credit Canada (FCC) or Scotiabank’s Yield More Financing™ Program. Qualifying input products include crop protection, adjuvant, crop nutrition, or seed. For Farm Credit Canada (FCC) loans, the loan converts to prime interest rate +2.95% on October 1, 2024 until the loan’s maturity date, which is March 15, 2025. For Scotiabank’s Yield More Financing™ Program loans, credit lines above $200,000 will convert to prime +1.95% until the loan’s maturity date, February 29, 2025. On October 1, 2024, credit lines below $200,000 will convert to prime +2.95% until the loan’s maturity date, February 29, 2025.

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