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Phytophthora Root Rot


Phytophthora root and stem rot is triggered by the oomycete Phytophthora sojae.

In seedlings, the disease can induce damping-off, a phenomenon where seedlings perish before or after soil emergence. In mature plants, the disease can instigate sudden death, even when pod production has commenced.

Phytophthora root and stem rot can drastically alter the physiology of soybean plants. It damages the root system, hindering the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, resulting in stunted growth and diminished yield.

Additionally, the disease can produce toxins that disrupt cellular processes, leading to cell death. This can further debilitate the plant, increasing its vulnerability to other diseases and pests.

(Image Credit: Daren Mueller, Iowa State University,


How to Identify Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot

Several characteristic symptoms aid farmers and agronomists in detecting the presence of Phytophthora root and stem rot.

Phytophthora root and stem rot generally manifests through leaf wilting and yellowing. As the disease advances, dark brown discoloration appears on the stems, starting from the soil line and progressing upwards. Brown and rotting roots often signal the disease's progression, potentially leading to plant death.


Geographic Impact of Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot

Phytophthora root and stem rot thrives in regions with heavy, poorly drained soils, often coinciding with excessive rainfall or irrigation. While it can appear in any soybean-growing region, it is predominantly found in the North Central United States and parts of Canada.

Timing of Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot

The disease can strike at any point during the growing season but is most prevalent during the early stages of plant development. It can also emerge in later stages, particularly under wet and warm conditions.

How to Manage Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot

The initial step in managing Phytophthora root and stem rot involves its accurate identification in soybean crops.  As a management strategy for Phytophthora root and stem rot in soybeans, consider using GCS Azoxy 2SC. This fungicide, containing Azoxystrobin as its active ingredient, may be suitable for use on soybeans to control seed-borne root rots.


© 2014 - 2023 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, “Farmers Business Network”, “FBN”, “FBN Direct” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. This content was written by Norm℠, reviewed and edited by Mikaela Tierney.

This content was generated with the assistance of Norm℠, FBN’s artificial intelligence (AI) Ag Advisor, based on a dataset of information containing general industry best practices and research. The AI model did not use specific external sources to generate this content. Our process involves using AI to aid human subject matter experts with the initial drafting and/or refinement of content.

Every product that labels PHYTOPHTHORA ROOT ROT as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Actinovate® AGActinovate® AGAdage™ STAliette®Aliette® WDGAliette® WDG FungicideAlude™ FungicideAnchor™ 3L STApron MAXX® RFCApron MAXX® RTA®Apron MAXX® RTA® + MolyApron XL®Avicta® Complete Beans 500Aviv™Aviv™Axyl-Shield 2E FoliarBacixBasamid® GBruin™Captan 50 Wettable PowderCaptan 50WCaptan 50WCaptan 80 WDGCaptan 80 WDGCaptan 80 WDGCaptan 80 WDGCaptan Gold® 80WDGCarb-O-Nator®Clariva® Elite BeansCompass®Compass™ O 50 WDGCruiserMaxx® AdvancedCruiserMaxx® EZCruiserMaxx® PlusCruiserMaxx® Vibrance®Double Nickel 55™Double Nickel® LCElumin® FungicideEquity® VIPForum® fungicideFungi-Phite® FungicideGaucho® Opti Soybean Seed TreatmentGuarda®Helena® ProPhyt®Howler® EVOHowler® FungicideHurricane® WDGINTEGO SUITE {INTEGO SOLO}Intego® Fungicide SoybeansINTEGO™ SUITE SoybeansK-Phite® 7LP Systemic Fungicide BactericideKarma®Legume Premix F2 RTU STLegumeStar Fungicide STLegumeStar™ Select STLinebacker® WDG Agricultural FungicideLinebacker® WDG Agricultural Fungicide (REI = 12)Lumiante®Lumisena®Metalaxyl 2E AGNutrol®Obvius® Plus Fungicide Seed TreatmentOrondis®Orondis® Gold (Premix) FungicideOrondis® Gold 200Orondis® Gold BOrondis® Opti AOrondis® Ultra (Premix)Orondis® Ultra AOrondis® Ultra BOrvego® fungicideOxiDate® 2.0OxiDate® 5.0OxiPhos®Phiticide™Phostrol®Precinct™Presidio® FungicidePrevicur® FlexPromess®Proplant™ Turf and Ornamental FungicideRanman® 400SC FungicideReason® 500 SCReason® 500 SCReCon™ 4 FReCon™ Bold SLRegalia®Regalia® CGReliant® Systemic FungicideRenaZ™ SCReveille®Revus®Ridomil Gold® GRRidomil Gold® GR SmartCartridge® FungicideRidomil Gold® SLSaniDate® 12.0SaniDate® 12.0 MicroBiocideSeed Shield® BeansSeed Shield® SoybeanSegway® FungicideSegway® Fungicide SCSegway® OSerenade® ASOSerifel® BiofungicideSoyStar™ Elite STSparra™Spirato® M 185 FSStamina® fungicide seed treatmentStargus™Stature® DM fungicideStature® SC fungicideSubdue® GRSubdue® MAXX®Temozad®Tepera® PlusTepera® Plus HDTepera® Plus HDTerraClean® 5.0Thrive™ 4MTimorex Act®Triathlon® BATrilex® 2000Ultra Flourish®Uniform®UpShot™ Soybean Seed TreatmentVacciplant®Vacciplant®Vibrance® TrioViceroy™ 70DFWarden® CXWarden® CX IIWarden® RTA®Xyler® FC FungicideZeroTol® HC

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FBN Direct products and services and other products distributed by FBN Direct are offered by Farmer's Business Network Canada, Inc. and are available only in provinces where Farmer's Business Network Canada, Inc. is licensed and where those products are registered for sale or use, if applicable. Not available in Quebec. Nothing contained on this page, including the prices listed should be construed as an offer for sale, or a sale of products. All products and prices are subject to change at any time and without notice. Terms and conditions apply.

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