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Research indicates that wheat yield can decrease by up to 50% in fields heavily infested with mustard.

Mustard competes with wheat for essential nutrients, water, and space, often gaining the upper hand due to its early germination. Furthermore, it can induce physiological stress in wheat plants through allelopathy, a process in which a plant releases chemicals that inhibit the growth of neighboring plants. Mustard plants release glucosinolates, which break down into compounds that can hinder wheat germination and growth.

How to Identify Mustard Weeds

Mustard, belonging to the Brassicaceae family, often intrudes wheat fields. Its bright yellow flowers, blooming from May to September, serve as a telltale sign. The plant can tower up to 1.5 meters, with deeply lobed, alternating leaves. Its seeds, small and round, range in color from reddish-brown to black.

Geographic Impact of Mustard Weeds

Mustard thrives in temperate regions worldwide, including North America, Europe, and parts of Asia. It prefers well-drained, fertile soils, making wheat fields an ideal environment.

Timing of Mustard Weeds Emergence

As a winter annual weed, mustard seeds germinate in the fall, surviving the winter as a rosette. Come spring, the rosette bolts into a flowering plant, setting seeds. This lifecycle makes mustard easy to spot early in the wheat growing season.

How to Manage Mustard Weeds in Wheat

To maintain crop health and yield, managing mustard in wheat fields is vital. The first step is identification, followed by effective control measures such as crop rotation, use of certified seeds, and targeted herbicide application.

Control mustard weed species by late winter or very early spring, before the stems begin to elongate for optimum results. Most ALS-inhibiting herbicides control winter annual mustards very well, although ALS-resistant populations may require tank mixes with alternate modes of action. Herbicides typically need to be applied in late February or early March for effective blue mustard control.


  • Fall applications:

    • Rapport Tank Mix Herbicide can applied post-emergence in the fall to wheat with at least two leaves fully emerged.

    • Huskie® and 2,4-D LV6 Value Pick are other options for fall application. Do not tank mix 2,4-D with a sulfonylurea herbicide in the fall or serious crop injury could occur.

    • Apply herbicides before freezing temperatures slow weed growth.

  • Spring applications:

    • For effective management, control weeds before bolting occurs.

    • Apply 2,4-D LV6 Value Pick alone or with a sulfonylurea herbicide like Rapport Tank Mix. Wheat should be fully tillered before applying 2, 4-D, or tillering will be inhibited, reducing wheat yield potential. MCPA herbicides like MCPE Phenoxy are preferable to 2,4-D if spraying wheat that is not well-tillered.


Always adhere to the recommended application rates and guidelines provided on the product labels for effective and safe use.


© 2014 - 2024 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, “Farmers Business Network”, “FBN”, “FBN Direct” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. This content was written by Norm℠, reviewed and edited by Mikaela Tierney.

This content was generated with the assistance of Norm℠, FBN’s artificial intelligence (AI) Ag Advisor, based on a dataset of information containing general industry best practices and research. The AI model did not use specific external sources to generate this content. Our process involves using AI to aid human subject matter experts with the initial drafting and/or refinement of content.

The information and content provided is believed to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. The content is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for specific agronomic, business, or professional advice, and should not be relied upon as such. Neither Farmer's Business Network Inc. nor any of its affiliates makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the statements or any information contained in the material and any liability therefore is expressly disclaimed. If you have any questions or feedback about the content, please feel free to contact us or visit our FAQ (

Every product that labels MUSTARD as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
2,4-D Amine 42,4-D Amine 42,4-D Amine 4 Herbicide2,4-D LV 42,4-D LV 4 (Albaugh)2,4-D LV 6 (Albaugh)4-Speed® XT638 Herbicide875 BrushkillerAAtrex® 4L HerbicideAAtrex® Nine-O®Accurate® HerbicideAcellus™ ATZAcquit™ 4 FAim® EC HerbicideAim® EW HerbicideAlligare 2,4-D AmineAlligare 2,4-D LV6Alligare Dicamba 2,4-D DMAAlligare Flagstaff™ HerbicideAlligare Triclopyr 4Amine 4 2,4-DAmine 4 2,4-D HerbicideAmine 400 2,4-D Weed KillerAmine 6Amvac Scepter® 70 DG herbicideAnthem® ATZ HerbicideAntik™ ECAquaSweep®Aquesta™ 4 FArmezon® herbicideArmezon® PRO herbicideArrest PlusAtra-5® HerbicideAtrazine 4LAtrazine 4LAtrazine 4L (ADAMA)Atrazine 4L (Drexel) HerbicideAtrazine 4L (Helena)Atrazine 4L (Loveland)Atrazine 4L (Tenkoz)Atrazine 4L Flowable Herbicide (Sipcam)Atrazine 4L herbicideAtrazine 90DFAtrazine 90DFAtrazine 90DF (Drexel)Atrazine 90DF Herbicide (ADAMA)Atrazine 90DF Herbicide (Sipcam)Atrazine 90WDGAtrazine DFAuguzine™Axiom® DFAxxe®Barrage® HFBase Camp® Amine 4Base Camp® LV 6Battleship® IIIBeyond® herbicideBeyond® Xtra herbicideBicep II MAGNUM®Bicep II MAGNUM® FCBicep Lite II MAGNUM®BK 800BOABoulder 6.3Boundary® 6.5 ECBoycott™ HerbicideBrahma 44Brawl II ATZ™Brawl II™Breakfree® NXT ATZBroadrange® 55 HerbicideBromacil/Diuron 40/40Brushmaster® HerbicideBullet® HerbicideBurnMaster™ HerbicideCadence® ATZ NXTCadence® LA NXTCaparol® 4LCarnivore® HerbicideChange Up™ Selective HerbicideCharger Basic®Charger MAX®Charger MAX® ATZCharger MAX® ATZ LiteChaser® Turf HerbicideChiptox® MCPACinch®Cinch® ATZCinch® ATZ LiteClassic® HerbicideClassic® HerbicideClean Amine®Cleansweep® D HerbicideCleansweep™ M HerbicideCleanWave® HerbicideClearGraze®Cobra® HerbicideCollide™ HerbicideColt® ASColt®+Salvo® HerbicideColt®+Sword® HerbicideComet® Selective HerbicideConfidence®Confidence® XtraConfidence® Xtra 5.6LCool Power®Cornbelt® 4Lb. AmineCornbelt® 4Lb. Lo Vol EsterCornbelt® 6Lb. Lo Vol EsterCornbelt® Atrazine 4LCornbelt® Atrazine 90DFCornbelt® SalvanCorvetteCotton-Pro®Crew® Specialty HerbicideCrossing® 4FCrossroad®Curio® HerbicideD-638Dagger®De-Amine™ 4De-Ester™LV4Defy® Amine 4Defy® LV-4Defy® LV-6Degree Xtra® HerbicideDegree Xtra® HerbicideDegree® HerbicideDepth Charge™Derive 75 DFDerive® 4LDesperado® Selective HerbicideDicam De-Ester®Dicamba De-Amine®Dimension® 2EW Specialty HerbicideDimension® EC Specialty HerbicideDimension® Ultra 40WP Specialty HerbicideDimetric® DF 75%Dimetric® EXTDimetric® LiquidDMA® 4 IVM HerbicideDog Fight™Double Up® B+DDurango® DMA® HerbicideE-2 HerbicideElectra 5.6LElement® 4 Specialty HerbicideElliptical™ HerbicideEmbed® ExtraEmbed™EndRun®Escalade® 2EsplAnade® 200 SCEtcetraEverpreX™Extreme® herbicideFallow Master® BroadspectrumFancyFar ReachFarmer's First™ Acetochlor 7EC HerbicideFearless Xtra 5.6LFearless Xtra HerbicideFinal-San-OFive Star®Forestry Garlon® 4 Specialty HerbicideForestry Garlon® XRT Specialty HerbicideFoundation® Turf HerbicideFreelexx®Frequency® herbicideFull Deck™FulTime® NXTGaligan® 2EGaligan® H2O HerbicideGallatin™Galvan®Garlon® 4 Specialty HerbicideGarlon® 4 Ultra Specialty HerbicideGarlon® XRTGCS 2,4-D LV 6 EsterGCS Acetochlor 7ECGCS Atrazine 4LGCS Atrazine 90DFGCS Metola Plus 8ECGlory®Goal® 2XL HerbicideGoal® 2XL HerbicideGoalTender® HerbicideGoalTender® HerbicideGovee™Gravitas®Hamper™ HerbicideHamper™ II HerbicideHardBall®Harness® HerbicideHarness® Herbicide (Monsanto)Harness® MAX HerbicideHarness® MAX HerbicideHarness® XtraHarness® Xtra (Monsanto)Harness® Xtra 5.6 LHarness® Xtra 5.6LHat Trick® Three Way HerbicideHavoc LV-SixHavoc™ LV FourHeadwinHelena Atrazine 4F HerbicideHelena Atrazine 90-DGHelmetHelmet SPCHi-Dep® Broadleaf HerbicideHi-Dep® IVM Broadleaf HerbicideHorsepower® Selective HerbicideHyvar® XHyvar® XHyvar® X CropImazethapyr 2 SLImiFlex™Imox™Impact Core®ImpactZ®Infantry™ 4LInfantry™ 90DFIntensaIntrro®IronGate™ herbicideKeystone® LA NXTKeystone® NXTKochiavore®Krovar® I DFKrovar® I DF HerbicideKrovar® IVMLademLadem ATLandmaster® BWLandmaster® II HerbicideLariat®Last Call™ Selective HerbicideLatir™Ledger™ HerbicideLightning® HerbicideLima 6Lo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileLo-Vol 6 2,4-D Low Volatile HerbicideLorox® DFLow Vol 4 Ester Weed KillerLow Vol 6 Ester Weed KillerLV 400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent FreeMad Dog®Mamba™Matador®Matador®-SMaxunitech Carfentrazone + Sulfentrazone SEMaxunitech Sulfentrazone 4 SC HerbicideMCP Amine 4MCPA AmineMCPA L. V. 4 EsterMCPA-4 AmineMCPE PhenoxyMe-Too-Lachlor™Me-Too-Lachlor™ IIMe-Too-Lachlor™ MTZMe-Try-Buzin™ 4LMe-Try-Buzin™ 75DFMedal®Medal® IIMedal® II ATMedal® II ATZMetalliS™ MTZMetolachlor 8EMetribuzin 75Metribuzin 75DFMetricor™ DFMetrixxMetrixx 75DFMetrixx SCMetsulMicro-Tech®Mission® HerbicideMoccasin MTZMoccasin™Moccasin™ II PlusMongoose™ HerbicideOctivio™Omni® Brand Metribuzin 75 DFOpti-Amine®Orchard Clean®Orchard Star®Oust® XPOust® XPOverTime™ ATZ Lite NXTOverTime™ ATZ NXTOxyfluorfen 2E HerbicideOxyStar® 2EOxystar® 4LPacoPanther® D HerbicideParallel® HerbicideParallel® PCS HerbicideParallel® PlusPassage™ HerbicidePasturAll® HL Specialty HerbicidePasturAll® Specialty HerbicidePasture Pro® HerbicidePastureGard® HLPastureGard® Specialty HerbicidePatron® 170Payback ATZPemex™Perfection® Weed & Feed 21-7-14Phenomenon™Phenomenon™ DuoPortfolio® 4FPortfolio® 4F CAPortfolio® 4F CaliforniaPowerZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfPraxisPraxis PlusPRE-Tector™ Plus ECPresidual™ HerbicidePriority 8EPriority® MTZPrometryne 4L HerbicidePunchPurestand™Pursuit® herbicidePylex™ herbicidePyresta®Quali-Pro® Expel Turf HerbicideQuincept®Radar™ AM 4Rancor™ 4 FRancor™ 75 DFRange Star® XLTRaptor® herbicideRejuvra®Relegate® Selective HerbicideRemedy® Ultra Specialty HerbicideRhomene® MCPA BroadleafRhonox® MCPARifle®Rifle®-DRugged® HerbicideSaber®Salvo®SalvusSavage® Dry SolubleScepter® 70 DG herbicideScepter® 70 DG herbicideScorch™ScrollOVR™Scroll™ 2 XLShredder® 2,4-D LV6Shredder® Amine 4Shredder® MCPAShredder® MCPEShredder™ 2,4-D LV4Shredder™ E-99Sim-Trol® 4L Simazine Flowable HerbicideSim-Trol® 90DF Simazine Dry Flowable HerbicideSimazat™ 4LSimazat™ 90DFSimazine 4LSimazine 4LSimazine 90 WDGSimazine 90DFSimazine 90DF (Drexel)Sinkerball®Solicam® DF HerbicideSolicam® DF HerbicideSolution Water Soluble®Solve™ 2,4-DSpartan® 4FSpartan® ChargeSpartan® FL 4FSpeedZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfSpeedZone® EW Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfSpike® 80DF Specialty HerbicideSpitfire™ HerbicideSpoiler® HerbicideSpyder® Selective HerbicideStalwart® C HerbicideStalwart® HerbicideStalwart® Xtra HerbicideStalwart® Xtra LiteStarane® Ultra HerbicideStareDown®Stark™ UltraStreliuS™ IIStrike Three Ultra® 2Strive™Suerte™Sulfentrazone 4LSulfin® 4SCSuper Trimec® Broadleaf HerbicideSuperBrush™ KillerSure Power® Selective HerbicideSurepyc™Sweep® HerbicideSword®Synchrony® XPTackle® HerbicideTahoe® 4E HerbicideTailwind™Tendovo®Tenkoz® Amine 4 2,4-D (71368-1-55467)Tenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileTenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 Solventless HerbicideTenkoz® Lo-Vol 6 2,4-D Low Volatile HerbicideTenkoz® MCPA Broadleaf Amine 4Terradex™ Crabgrass & BroadleafTerradex™ Power PremixThrottle® XPThunder Master®Thunder®Tide MSM 60 DF HerbicideTop Deck™ Aquatic HerbicideTouchdown® HerbicideTreflan® HFP HerbicideTremor® ATZ Lite NXTTremor® ATZ NXTTri-Power® Selective HerbicideTriamine®Triangle® HerbicideTriclopyr 4ETriCor® 4FTriCor® DFTrimec® 1000 Low Odor Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® 992 Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® Classic Brand Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® Southern Broadleaf HerbicideTriple Shot™Trizmet™ IITrizmet™ LiteTrumpcard®Truslate®Turflon® Ester Specialty HerbicideTurflon® Ester Ultra Specialty HerbicideTurret®TZone™ SE Broadleaf Herbicide for Tough WeedsUnison® Novel BroadleafUsha 6Vegetable Pro® HerbicideVengeance® Plus Selective HerbicideVeteran® 720 HerbicideVisor BroadcropVisor® S-MOCVista® XRT HerbicideVolley® ATZ LITE NXTVolley® ATZ NXTVoucher®Vulture™Weed Rhap® A-4DWeedar® 64WeeDestroy® AM-40 Amine SaltWeedmaster® HerbicideWeedone® 638Weedone® 650Weedone® LV4 ECWeedone® LV4 SolventlessWeedone® LV6 ECWhiplash™Whiteout® 2,4-DWideMatch® HerbicideWil-Gro® 24-3-8 with 0.22% Dimension®WildCard®Willowood Chlorim 25WDGWillowood Imazethapyr 2SLWillowood Lactofen 2ECWillowood Metribuzin 75DFWillowood OxyFlo 2ECWillowood OxyFlo 4SCWillowood Sulfen 4SCWillowood Sulfen MetWillowood Sulfentrazone 4SCZeus® HerbicideZeus® Prime XCZeus® XCZone 4FZone Defense

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