

Morning glory, also known as Ipomoea spp., is a pervasive weed that jeopardizes soybean cultivation. It vies with soybean plants for vital resources like nutrients, light, and space, thereby diminishing the crop's yield and quality. The weed's robust growth, swift reproduction rate, and resistance to numerous herbicides render it a formidable foe for soybean farmers.

(Image Credit: Joy Viola, Northeastern University,


Why Is Morning Glory Problematic in Soybean Fields?

A climbing or trailing perennial vine, morning glory can reach up to 10 feet in height. Its leaves take on a heart shape, while its trumpet-shaped flowers usually appear in purple, pink, or white. The seeds, dark brown to black in color, are encased in a round or oval capsule.

The rapid growth of morning glory and the emergence of its distinctive flowers often signal its presence. The plant's vines can swiftly overrun a soybean field, entwining around the soybean plants and impeding their growth, sometimes even causing them to bend and snap. This can drastically stunt the growth of the soybean plant and reduce its yield. The leaves of morning glory can also overshadow the soybean plants, blocking sunlight and inhibiting photosynthesis.

By competing for essential resources, morning glory can induce nutrient deficiencies in soybean plants. This can result in reduced growth and development, yielding smaller, less productive plants. Moreover, the stress induced by this competition can render soybean plants more vulnerable to diseases and pests.

Geographic Distribution of Morning Glory

Morning glory, which thrives in diverse climates and soils, is commonly found across the United States, particularly in southern and midwestern states where soybean is a major crop.

Timing of Morning Glory Emergence

Morning glory usually sprouts in late spring and early summer, reaching peak flowering in late summer and early fall. However, its seeds can endure in the soil for several years, enabling it to reemerge season after season.

How to Manage Morning Glory in Soybeans

Consider cultural practices like narrow row spacing, crop rotation, tillage, and higher seeding rates to make soybeans more competitive against morning glories.

Post-emergence applications of glyphosate alone in soybeans haven't shown consistent efficacy. Therefore, consider an effective tank mix post-emergence. Single post-emergence applications of glyphosate should not be applied to weeds more than 2 inches tall.




These rates are general guidelines, and it's always important to read and follow the specific instructions provided on the product labels for accurate application rates and guidelines

Willowood Glypho 5 Tote


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Every product that labels MORNINGGLORY as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
2,4-D Granules2,4-DB 2002,4-DB 2004-Speed®4-Speed® XT875 BrushkillerAbundit™ Extra (Exclusively Distributed by DuPont)Accolade™ HerbicideAccord® Concentrate HerbicideAccord® XRT HerbicideAccord® XRT II HerbicideAcellus™ ATZAcumen® HerbicideAcumen® MicrocapAffinity® TankMixAffinity® TankMix Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Aim® EC HerbicideAim® EW HerbicideAlligare 2,4-D AmineAlligare 2,4-D LV6Alligare Dicamba 2,4-D DMAAlligare Flagstaff™ HerbicideAlligare Imazapyr 2 SLAlligare Imazapyr 4 SLAlligare Oryzalin 4Alligare Rotary 2 SLAmine 4 2,4-DAmine 6Antik™ ECAqua Star®Aquamaster®AquaNeat® Aquatic HerbicideArmezon® herbicideArmezon® PRO herbicideArsenal® herbicideArsenal® herbicide Applicators ConcentrateArsenal® PowerLine™ herbicideAtrazine 4L (Loveland)Atrazine 90DFAudit® 4:1Audit® 4:1 HerbicideAudit® 9:1 HerbicideAxill Solutions Paraquat 3SLBasagran®Basagran® 5LBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBashAzon HerbicideBattleship® IIIBeacon® HerbicideBicep II MAGNUM®Bicep II MAGNUM® FCBicep Lite II MAGNUM®Biscayne™BK 800Blindside® HerbicideBOABoomer™ HerbicideBoycott™ HerbicideBrawl II ATZ™Brawl II™Breakfree® ATZBreakfree® ATZ LiteBreakfree® NXT ATZBroadhead® HerbicideBroadloom® HerbicideBrushmaster® HerbicideBuccaneer® 5BurnMaster™ HerbicideButyrac® 175Butyrac® 200Cadence® ATZ NXTCadence® LA NXTCadence™ ATZCadence™ Lite ATZ HerbicideCadet™Carnivore® HerbicideCavalcade® PQChange Up™ Selective HerbicideCharger Basic®Charger MAX®Charger MAX® ATZCharger MAX® ATZ LiteCinch®Cinch® ATZCinch® ATZ LiteCinco™Classic® HerbicideClean Amine®Cleansweep® D HerbicideCleansweep™ M HerbicideCleanWave® HerbicideClearGraze®Clearout™ 5 ExtraCobra® HerbicideColt® ASComet® Selective HerbicideCommit ATZ Lite HerbicideCommit® ATZ HerbicideCool Power®Cornbelt® SalvanCornerstone K HerbicideCotoran® 4LCredit® 41Credit® 41 ExtraCredit® 5.4 ExtraCrossing® 4FCyclone™ SL 2.0Derive 75 DFDerive® 4LDesperado® Selective HerbicideDetermine™ 4LDevour™Dicamba De-Amine®Dimetric® DF 75%Dimetric® EXTDirex® 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 80DFDiverge® SilkDominus®DrillDrive® 75 DF herbicideDrive® XLR8 herbicideDryphosate 75SGDual MAGNUM®DuetDuet®Duramax® HerbicideDurango® DMA® HerbicideE-2 HerbicideEcomazapyr 2 SLEdict® 2SCEdition® TankmixEject® 4L Turf HerbicideEject™ 75DF Turf HerbicideElliptical™ HerbicideEndRun®Enlist Duo™ Herbicide with Colex D TechnologyEnlist One™Escalade® 2Establish ATZ™Establish Lite™ET® Herbicide/DefoliantET®X Herbicide/DefoliantEverpreX™Evik® DFExpert® HerbicideExtra Credit 5®FancyFar ReachFirestorm®Flexstar® GT 3.5Foresters'® Non-Selective HerbicideForrestFoundation® Turf HerbicideFramework® 3.3 EC HerbicideFrequency® herbicideFull Deck™FulTime® HerbicideG-Max Lite™ herbicideGallatin™GCS Flumet 80WDGGCS Metola Plus 8ECGCS Quinclo 4GF-3335Glory®Glory® 4LGly Star® 5 ExtraGlyfos® Aquatic HerbicideGlyfos® X-TRA HerbicideGlyphogan® HerbicideGlyphosate 4 PlusGlyphosate 5.4Gramoxone Inteon®Gramoxone® SLGramoxone® SL 2.0Gramoxone® SL 3.0Grandstand® CA HerbicideGrandstand® R HerbicideGrasp® SC HerbicideGrasp® Xtra HerbicideGravitas®Guardsman Max® herbicideHABITAT® herbicideHalomax™ 75Hamper™ HerbicideHamper™ II HerbicideHardBall®Hat Trick® Three Way HerbicideHelena® PendimethalinHelmetHelmet SPCHelmquat 3SLHelosate® 75 SGHelosate® Plus AdvancedHoncho® K6 HerbicideHoncho® K6 Herbicide (Monsanto)Horsepower® Selective HerbicideImitator® AquaticImpact Core®ImpactZ®IntensaKarmex® DFKeystone® HerbicideKeystone® LA HerbicideKeystone® LA NXTKeystone® NXTKochiavore®Kyro™LademLadem ATLandmark® XPLandmaster® II HerbicideLeague® HerbicideLima 6Lineage® Clearstand® HerbicideLondax® HerbicideLondax® HerbicideLongbow™ ECMad Dog®Mamba™Maxunitech Carfentrazone 2 ECMCPP-p 4 AmineMe-Too-Lachlor™Me-Too-Lachlor™ IIMe-Try-Buzin™ 4LMe-Try-Buzin™ 75DFMec Amine-D®Mecomec® 4 Turf HerbicideMedal®Medal® IIMedal® II ATMedal® II ATZMetalicaMetalliS™ PFXMetolachlor 8EMetribuzin 4LMetribuzin 75Metribuzin 75DFMetricor™ DFMetriflex 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