California Brome

Every product that labels CALIFORNIA BROME as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Armezon® PRO herbicideArrow 2ECAvatar™Avatar™ S2™Axill Solutions Clethodim 2ECAxiom® DFBeyond® herbicideBeyond® Xtra herbicideCeridian™ 2 ECCharger Basic®Cinch®Cleanse®Cleanse® 2ECCleanse™ 2 ECClethodim 2 EC HerbicideClethodim 2ECommit® HerbicideCorsican HerbicideDakota™Dakota™Dual MAGNUM®Envoy Plus™ HerbicideEstablish™Everest® 2.0 HerbicideEverest® 3.0 AGEverest® 3.0 AG HerbicideEverest® 3.0 HerbicideEverpreX™FreeHand® 1.75G herbicideFreeHand® CA 1.75G herbicideGaligan® 2EGoal® 2XL HerbicideGoal® 2XL HerbicideGovee™Hamper™ II HerbicideImiFlex™Intensity Post- Emergence Grass Herbicide®Intensity® One Post-Emergence Grass HerbicideIronGate™ herbicideLademMedal® ECMedal® II ECMoccasin™ II PlusOctivio™Octivio™ PulseOmni® Brand Clethodim 2 ECOutlook® HerbicideOxyStar® 2EOxystar® 4LOzone 3.0Raptor® herbicideRedEagle Clethodim 2EScroll™ 2 XLSection® 2EC (1381-204)Section® 2EC (42750-72-1381)Section® Three HerbicideSelect Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™Select® 2 ECSelect® 2 EC HerbicideShadow®Shadow® 3ECShadow® 3ECSierra™ HerbicideSlider®Sortie® HerbicideStreliuS™ IITapout®Testify™Tide USA Clethodim 2ECTower® HerbicideTrizenta™ 3EC HerbicideTrizenta™ HerbicideVaquero®Varisto® herbicideVerdict® powered by Kixor® herbicideVisor® S-MOCVolunteer® Herbicide (42750-72-55467)Volunteer® Herbicide (66330-353-55467)Volunteer® Herbicide (70506-484-55467)Volunteer™ Herbicide (59639-3-55467)Vulture™Willowood Clethodim 2ECWillowood OxyFlo 2ECWillowood OxyFlo 4SC