Use In-Season Yield Prediction to Inform Your Seed-Buying Decisions

FBN Network

Oct 23, 2019

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If there’s one thing consistent about farming, it’s that harvest timing is almost never consistent. You’ve got to contend with weather, field conditions, drydown rates and a host of other factors in order to get into your fields to harvest your crops, and this can vary greatly from year to year.

And some of the best seed offers may expire before harvest activities are even completed, which could cause you to buy seed without all the information you need.

To make data-informed decisions, you’d like to see how specific hybrids and varieties are performing this season. 

FBN member harvest data flows in from September all the way through May of the following season, gradually populating FBN Seed Finder with yield information for seed planted across thousands of acres so you can make more informed seed-buying decisions.

But what if we could provide you with a clearer picture of how a seed is performing this season and what kind of yield you might be able to expect next year?

See in-season yield estimates with FBNSM Seed Finder

FBN Seed Finder gives members earlier estimates on how specific varieties are performing in fields across the country this fall. 

This feature allows you to view predicted yield data for this growing season and purchase seed for next year with greater insight into profit potential.

How do we predict yield for your farm and fields?

Our yield estimates are derived from a variety of factors, including:

  • Your field’s yield history and location*

  • Yield history in your region

  • Agronomic data, including the variety planted, soil type and planting date

*The more data you provide, the more informed your operation’s estimates will be.

We also look at weather data and satellite imagery to consider several additional factors: 

  • Temperature

  • Precipitation

  • Solar Radiation

  • Evaporation

  • Transpiration

  • Soil Temperature

  • Soil Moisture

Then we aggregate the yield predictions, so you can see state and national averages. With this information in hand, you get a more complete picture of a seed’s profit potential for your farm operation.

How do we ensure quality data for yield prediction?

To maintain a high quality standard for our yield prediction, we put data sufficiency requirements in place:

  • At least 1,000 acres of planting data for that variety

  • At least 5 farmers who grow that variety

If you have contributed planting or harvest files, you can log into your FBN member account now to access 2019 yield prediction information!

Leverage the power of a network 8,000 farmers strong

The yield prediction tool is just one of many ways FBN Seed Finder gives you access to the information you need to make data-driven decisions. When you unlock seed price and performance data contributed by our network of more than 8,000 farmers, you can buy seed with greater confidence and maximize profit potential for your farm operation this fall. 

Yield predictions are based on statistical and agronomic models, research and data (including historical weather and agronomic data), and information provided by other FBN members and you, to generate the estimates and other information we provide. These do not guarantee actual results. Our models, data and recommendations may change over time. Individual results may vary, as weather, agronomic conditions and farming practices differ across growers, locations and years. Consult your agronomist and other service professionals before making financial, risk management and farming decisions.

FBN is a registered service mark of Farmers Business Network Inc. FS SeedⓇ is a registered trademark of GROMARK, Inc.ChannelⓇ is a registered trademark of Channel Bio, LLC.PioneerⓇ is a registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Beck’sTM is a trademark of Beck’s Hybrids. DeKalbⓇ is a registered trademark of the Monsanto Company.

FBN Network

Oct 23, 2019

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