New Adjuvant Farmers First™ Sizzle™ Effective at 50% Rate of Competitive Products

FBN Network

Aug 13, 2024

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To support row crop farmers seeking a more efficient way to manage weeds in glyphosate-based burndown and post-emergence herbicide applications, FBN® now offers a new advanced oil-based water conditioner, activator, drift, and deposition aid: Farmers First™ Sizzle™

Effective at just half the rate of competitive products on the market, Sizzle offers a number of useful benefits in tank mixes where glyphosate is used or a crop oil is required. It can be used for glyphosate and clethodim tank mixes, fall burndown applications with flumioxazin or atrazine that require an oil, fall volunteer wheat control, fall or spring paraquat mixes where an oil is required, and cover crop termination. 

Unlike other AMADS-based water conditioners, Sizzle’s oil package provides extra drift and deposition benefits, while additionally eliminating the need for crop oil in the tank when preferred. 

Product Application Benefits

Farmers First™ Sizzle™ helps to:

  • Sequester metal cations in hard water

  • Reduce spray tank pH

  • Activate glyphosate

  • Enhance wetting and penetration

  • Satisfy crop oil requirements for select herbicides

  • Work as a drift and deposition aid

Recommended Application Rates

Sizzle is effective at just half the rate of competitive products on the market. With this in mind, farmers should follow the recommended application rates outlined below: 

  • Apply 1-2 qt/100 Gal (0.25-0.5% v/v) in glyphosate-only tank mixes

  • Apply 2-2.5 qt/Gal (0.5-0.625% v/v) for tank mixes with an oil requirement 

As with all crop protection and other ag products, consult the product label for complete details.

Maximize Your Crop Protection with FBN

With 24/7 digital shopping access, direct-to-farm delivery, transparent pricing and savings opportunities, and detailed label information for each product, FBN offers the information and products you need to build an effective weed management strategy this season.  

Click here to explore all available crop protection products.

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ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. It is a violation of federal and state law to use any pesticide product other than in accordance with its label. The distribution, sale and use of an unregistered pesticide is a violation of federal and/or state law and is strictly prohibited. We do not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided on this page or which is provided by us in any form. It is your responsibility to confirm prior to purchase and use that a product is labeled for your specific purposes, including, but not limited to, your target crop or pest and its compatibility with other products in a tank mix and that the usage of a product is otherwise consistent with federal, state and local laws.  We reserve the right to restrict sales on a geographic basis in our sole discretion. You must have a valid applicator license to use restricted use pesticides.  Please consult your state department of agriculture for complete rules and regulations on the use of restricted use pesticides, as some products require specific record-keeping requirements.

All product suggestions and other information provided is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for consulting the product label or for specific agronomic, business,or professional advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, consult with a qualified advisor. Neither Farmer's Business Network Inc. nor any of its affiliates makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the statements or any information contained in the material and any liability therefore is expressly disclaimed.

FBN Network

Aug 13, 2024

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