Beat the Odds at Farmer2Farmer V

FBN Network

Oct 18, 2019

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Farmer2Farmer V, happening December 11-13 in Omaha, is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for you to connect with other farmers, explore best practices and current trends in agriculture, gain new data-backed insights and get direct access to FBN products and services as well as offerings from some of our most valued partners.

Guided by the theme Beat the Odds, this year’s event will help position your farm operation to achieve greater profit potential and give you the courage to thrive in the face of adversity as you head into the next season and beyond.

What Beat the Odds means for farmers like you

For many farmers across the U.S. and Canada, this growing season has been challenging at unprecedented levels. 

Historic flooding, delayed planting, global market volatility and consolidation are all forces to contend with in 2019. Add to the mix ever-tightening margins and it’s no wonder you feel as if the odds are stacked against you.

If you play long enough, the saying goes in Las Vegas, the house always wins

But what if we could level the playing field, as it were, and give you access to the tools and information -- and the power of a network 8,000 farmers strong -- you need to beat the odds?

That’s precisely what we’re doing every single day at FBN. And that is why we want you to experience everything Farmer2Farmer V has to offer this year.

Our two keynote speakers -- decorated Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell and game-changing baseball executive Billy Beane -- know plenty about overcoming odds in their respective endeavors.

Their personal stories will do nothing short of inspire you, and interactive panels, workshops and dialogue throughout the three-day event will reinforce this core message: You can beat the odds.

Are you ready to beat the odds? 

Join thousands of farmers in Omaha on December 11-13 as we level the playing field at Farmer2Farmer V

FBN Network

Oct 18, 2019

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