10 Underrated Tips for Cattle Producers

FBN Network

Jun 17, 2024

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From managing flies that can spread diseases to your herd to using implants to get more lean meat, proactively managing the health and well-being of your herd can help increase your productivity and profitability. 

Here are 10 helpful tips our team members and veterinary experts have shared in previously published FBN® blogs. Click on the blog links to read the full articles. 

1. Liquid Feed Supplements Can Help Improve Your Bottom Line

Wind and spills can sometimes displace feed components, causing producers to have to purchase additional product to replenish feed. Using a liquid feed can be more cost-effective by minimizing loss since liquid feed adheres to feed components.

Read blog The Benefits of Liquid Feed Supplement for Beef Cattle

2. Garlic in Cattle Feed Can Curb Flies 

Flies can spread diseases to your herd, reducing their profitability, but there are a number of steps you can take to curb flies and protect your herd. While some are obvious, like setting fly baits, adding garlic to cattle feed may be more surprising.

Read blog 7 Simple Ways to Triage Cattle from Flies

3. Add a Larvicide to Cattle Feed

Larvicides containing diflubenzuron keep flies from developing an exoskeleton, interrupting their life cycle. This type of feed additive is a cost-effective measure for fly control.

Read blog Why Your Fly Control Strategy Should Include Feed Additives

4. Improve Biosecurity Through Routine Facility Maintenance

As avian flu (H5N1) continues to make headlines, biosecurity is becoming a higher priority for dairy producers across the country.Routine facility maintenance may at first sound like it has to do with visual aesthetics, but it should not be overlooked as a biosecurity measure. Preventing access points for birds to enter milking facilities and pens and removing bird nests are just a few of the maintenance measures that are important to take.

Read blog 6 Critical Steps to Take for Biosecurity Amid Avian Influenza

5. Use Implants to Boost Cattle Weight Gain up to 20%

Implants are hormone pellets that help maximize feed efficiency and can boost weight gain – while minimizing the amount of fat in the meat. Placed under the skin of a cow’s ear, they don’t cause negative health or behavior effects. Still, it’s important to follow label instructions and proper administration techniques to ensure correct placement and keep a sterile environment. 

Read blog How to Properly Implant Cattle

6. Consider Farm Location When Choosing Minerals

Regions differ in mineral availability and quality. South Dakota, for instance, has a high amount of selenium in the soil, which could cause toxicity in cows if this isn’t factored into mineral selection. Conduct water and pasture testing to learn more about mineral levels on your farm so you are aware of potential deficiencies and toxicities.

Read blog Feeding Minerals For All They’re Worth

7. Use a Colostrum Replacement to Help Prevent Calf Scours

One of the biggest health issues both dairy and beef calves face is calf scours. A vaccinated heifer does not pass antibodies along to the calf in utero; however, she can pass antibodies along to her calf through nursing. To ensure calves get enough quality colostrum, consider a colostrum replacement.

Read blog Getting Ahead of Calf Scours

8. Fenceline Weaning Provides Health Benefits

Set up a pan with some sucker rod near the corral. This helps the calf to see, smell, and touch its mama, and vice versa, which minimizes stress for both cows. Minimizing stress is important for managing cattle productivity.

Read blog Top 5 Missed Opportunities in Weaning a Calf

9. Consider Grass Length During Spring Turnout

As grass grows, the seed heads could hurt a cow’s eye, leading to pinkeye and other health challenges. Clip the pasture to refresh growth so mature grass doesn’t lead to irritations for your herd.

Read blog 3 Grass Turnout Best Practices

10. Develop a Proactive Fall Run Health Plan for Your Cattle

While prioritizing cattle health is important year round, your herd will likely be exposed to new health risks, such as respiratory illnesses, during fall run. It’s a good idea to stock up on popular preventative and curative products, including vaccines, dewormers, and implants, before fall run starts. 

Read blog 3 Tips to Prepare for a Successful and Profitable Fall Run

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FBN Network

Jun 17, 2024

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