Paloma Soybean Seed Guide

Review the portfolio of Enlist E3® soybeans including 11 new products across all maturity groups for 2024.

Review the Portfolio of Enlist E3® Soybeans

Enlist E3® soybeans offer the most advanced trait technology available in soybeans, providing a new standard for weed control and yield performance. The Paloma Soybean Seed Guide outlines transparent agronomic performance data including:

  • Relative maturity, height and canopy width

  • Disease tolerance, specifically to Iron Deficiency Chlorosis, Sclerotinia White Mold, Sudden Death Syndrome, Brown Stem Rot, Frogeye Leaf Spot and Stem Canker

  • Stress, STS and salt tolerance

  • Flower, pubescence, pod and hilum color
