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White Mold


White mold (also known as Sclerotinia stem rot) is a significant fungal pathogen of soybean plants in the North Central region of the United States. This pathogen overwinters via small black structures known as sclerotia and can survive in the soil for five to seven years. Under cool, wet conditions, mushroom-like structures (apothecia) bloom from the sclerotia in the top 2 inches of the soil surface. The apothecia produces spores that land on soybeans to infect and colonize the plant. The disease development is favored by cool temperatures around 75°F and humid conditions at flowering when soybean canopy closes and restricts air flow.

How to Identify White Mold

Early signs of white mold are the tan, disk-shaped fungal structures blooming on the soil surface; however they can often be confused with bird’s nest fungus. Symptoms of white mold often occur in patches throughout the field and appear as brown lesions on the stems, and further infection causes wilting, lodging, and plant death. White, cotton-like fungal growth is on the stems and the dark black bodies of sclerotia may be present. Stems of dead plants will be bleached in color, and when the stem is split lengthwise, the sclerotia is often found inside.

How to Manage White Mold

Field records can be indicative of the probability of this disease occurring if weather conditions have been cool and moist or if the field has a history of white mold. This practice can also be helpful when selecting seeds that are less susceptible to the disease, or choosing management practices.

Tillage can be utilized to manage the sclerotia in the soil  so that these structures do not remain near the soil surface where they can germinate. Infected fields should be worked last and equipment should be cleaned to avoid spreading the sclerotia. Crop rotation is also beneficial as non-host crops, such as corn or cereals, would terminate the cycle of creating more fungal structures for overwintering.

High populations of soybeans (greater than 175,000 plants per acre) and narrow row spacing is associated with increased white mold disease. Reduction in population or using wider rows (greater than 20 inches) may be beneficial in reducing white mold occurrence, but be sure populations maintain yield potential.

Farmers can treat white mold using fungicides such as Chlorothalonil 6.0lb Value Pick and Thiophanate-methyl 4.50 Value Pick. These products contain active ingredients that are effective against white mold and are available from FBN.

Research has recommended fungicide applications must be applied during soybean flowering (R1) to be most effective, but some can be applied up to the R3 growth stage. Efficacy can also be impacted by the penetration of the fungicide into the canopy where infection started. Biological controls, such as the fungus Coniothyrium minitans, colonizes and degrades the sclerotia in the soil and should be incorporated in the soil three months before white mold develops.

Every product that labels WHITE MOLD as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
A-Zox 25SCAbound® Flowable FungicideAbsolute® 500 SCAbsolute® MaxxAcadia® ESQAcadia™ 2 SCAcadia™ 2 SCAcadia™ ESQ FungicideAcadia™ LFCAcropolis FungicideAcropolis™ FungicideActinovate® AGActinovate® AGAdastrio™Affiance®Affiance™Aframe™Aftershock®Alterity™ 62.5 WGAltipro™Andiamo™ 230 FungicideAproach®Aquila™ XLArius™ 250Arius™ ADV FungicideArius™ AdvanceArtisan®Avaris® 2XSAviv™Aviv™Azaka™Azoxy TebAzoxyStar®Azoxystrobin 100 STAzoxystrobin SCAZterknot®AZteroid® FCAZteroid® FC 3.3BacixBadge® SCBadge® X2Ballad® PlusBarrierBasamid® GBOABonafideBotran® 5FBotran® 75-W FungicideBrixen™ FungicideBrixen™ FungicideBuzz Ultra - DFBuzz Ultra DF™Cabrio® Plus fungicideCannonball® WGCaptan 4LCaptan 4LCaptan 50WCaptan 50WCaptan 50WPCaptan 80 WDGCaptan 80 WDGCaptan Gold® 4LCaptec 4L®Cercobin® FungicideCercobin™ FungicideChlorpyrifos 15GCinnerate® (Sym-Agro)Cobra® HerbicideConvoy®Cover XL (Agri Star)CruiserMaxx® PeanutsCustodia®Delaro® 325 SC FungicideDelaro® CompleteDexter® SCDisarm® MDomark® 230 MEDomark® 230 ME FungicideDouble Nickel 55™Double Nickel® LCDynasty®Dynasty® PDEcoSwing® Botanical FungicideElatus® FungicideElloraEmpireEndura® fungicideEndura® PRO fungicideEquation™ SC FungicideEthos® XB Insecticide/FungicideEvito® 480 SCEvito® T FungicideExcalia® FungicideFolicur® 3.6 FFontelis®Fortix® FungicideFroghorn™GCS Azoxy 2SCGCS AzoxypropGCS Tebustrobin SCGold Rush®Golden Micronized SulfurGuarda®Headline® fungicideHeadline® SC fungicideHeads Up® RTA Seed TreatmentHelena® T-Methyl 4.5 AgHelmstar Plus SCHowler® EVOHowler® FungicideIncognito® 4.5 FIncognito® 85 WDGIprodione 4L AGLegume Premix F3 STLektivar™ 40SCLifeGard® WGLorsban® 15G Granular InsecticideLorsban® 15G Smartbox®Lucento™Luna Sensation®Luna® FlexLuna® PrivilegeLuna® ProLuna® TranquilityMamba™Maxentis™ SCMazinga™ ADV FungicideMazolin™Meteor® FungicideMiCrop™ FungicideMiCrop™ FungicideMiramar™ FungicideMiravis® NeoMiravis® PrimeMiravis® TopMongoose™ HerbicideMonsoon®Muscle® 3.6FNevado® 4FNufarm T-Methyl 4.5 F FungicideNufarm T-Methyl 70 WSB FungicideObrona™Omavo™Omega® 500FOmega® Top MPOmni® Brand T-Methyl 70 WPOnset™ 3.6L FungicideOrbus™ 4 FOrbus™ ESQOrius® 20AQOrius® 3.6FOverrule®OxiDate® 2.0OxiDate® 5.0OxiDate® Broad Spectrum Bactericide/FungicidePeroxySan-CX Broad Spectrum Bactericide/FungicidePhobos™ FCPhoenix™ HerbicidePilato™ SCPreemptor® EQPreemptor™ SC FungicidePrev-AmPrev-Am® UltraPriaxor® D {Component B}Priaxor® D fungicidePriaxor® Xemium® brand fungicideProBlad® VerdeProline® 480 SCPropazPropulse®Protocol®Provost® 433 SCProvost® OptiProvost® SilverProvysol™ fungicideProzio™ BWPProzio™ SCQuadris Top®Quadris® FlowableQuash® FungicideQuash® SC FungicideRancona® V PDRancona® V PDRegalia®Regalia® CGRegalia® Rx BiofungicideRegev®Reliant® Systemic FungicideRendition™Revylok™ FungicideRevytek® FungicideRhyme® FungicideRomeoRovral® 4 Flowable FungicideSaniDate® 12.0SaniDate® 12.0 MicroBiocideSatori® FungicideSaurus™Saxony 100 FSScholar® SC FungicideSerenade® ASOSerenade® MAXSerenade® OptiSerenade® OptimumSerifel® BiofungicideSonata®Stargus™STartUP™ AZOXY Seed TreatmentSwitch® 62.5WGTalaris™ 4.5 FTalaris™ 70 WSBTebazTebu-Crop 3.6FTebucon® 3.6F FungicideTebuStar® 3.6LTebuzol® 3.6FTepera® PlusTepera® Plus HDTepera® Plus HDTepera™Tetraban®Tetraban® FungicideThiophanate Methyl 85 WDGTimorex Act®Toledo®Topguard®TopGuard® EQ FungicideTopguard® FungicideTopsin® M WSB FungicideTopsin® XTR2 FungicideTourney® EZ FungicideTourney® FungicideTrevo®Trevo® DCZTrevo® PTrevo® PackedTrevo® TRZTriathlon® BAUmbra™Unicorn DFUniform®Vacciplant®Vacciplant®Vantana™Veltyma® fungicideVelum®Velum® PrimeVelum® TotalVertisan®Viathon®Viatude™ FungicideVibe™Willowood Azoxy 2SCWillowood AzoxyProp XtraWillowood Lactofen 2ECWillowood Pyrac 2ECWillowood Teb 3.6SCXiphosin™XuviaZayin Fungicide

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