Field records can be indicative of the probability of this disease occurring if weather conditions have been cool and moist or if the field has a history of white mold. This practice can also be helpful when selecting seeds that are less susceptible to the disease, or choosing management practices.
Tillage can be utilized to manage the sclerotia in the soil so that these structures do not remain near the soil surface where they can germinate. Infected fields should be worked last and equipment should be cleaned to avoid spreading the sclerotia. Crop rotation is also beneficial as non-host crops, such as corn or cereals, would terminate the cycle of creating more fungal structures for overwintering.
High populations of soybeans (greater than 175,000 plants per acre) and narrow row spacing is associated with increased white mold disease. Reduction in population or using wider rows (greater than 20 inches) may be beneficial in reducing white mold occurrence, but be sure populations maintain yield potential.
Farmers can treat white mold using fungicides such as Chlorothalonil 6.0lb Value Pick and Thiophanate-methyl 4.50 Value Pick. These products contain active ingredients that are effective against white mold and are available from FBN.
Research has recommended fungicide applications must be applied during soybean flowering (R1) to be most effective, but some can be applied up to the R3 growth stage. Efficacy can also be impacted by the penetration of the fungicide into the canopy where infection started. Biological controls, such as the fungus Coniothyrium minitans, colonizes and degrades the sclerotia in the soil and should be incorporated in the soil three months before white mold develops.