Western Flower Thrips

Every product that labels WESTERN FLOWER THRIPS as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Acephate 90 PrillAcephate 90 Prill Select™Acephate 90 WDGAcephate 90 WSPAcephate 97 WDGAcephate 97UP®Adage™Altus®Arena® 0.25 G Insecticide¹Aria® InsecticideAvicta® Duo COT202Avicta® Duo CottonAza-Direct®BioCeres® GRBotaniGard® 22WPBotaniGard® 22WPBotaniGard® ESBotaniGard® ESBotaniGard® MaxxBoteGHA® ESBracket® 90 WDGBracket® 97Bracket® 97 (Soluble Insecticide)Bracket® 97 WDGCavalry™ IICloser® SCConserve® SC Insect ControlCruiser® 5FSCrusader 2MECrusader® 1ECCusack™ 0.86 ECCusack™ CitrusDanitol® 2.4 EC Spray Insecticide-MiticideDeclare® InsecticideDeclare® InsecticideDefiance™ 0.86 ECDistance® Insect Growth RegulatorDoubleTake™Ecozin® Plus 1.2% MEElliptica™Entrust® Naturalyte Insect ControlEntrust® SC Naturalyte Insect ControlFarewell® Insect Growth RegulatorFirestone™Gladiator® Insecticide/MiticideGrizzly® TooGrizzly® Z InsecticideHarvanta® 50SL InsecticideKaiso® 24 WGKarate® InsecticideKarate® with Zeon™ TechnologyKendo® 22.8 CSKendo™ InsecticideKibosh™ SCKnack® Insect Growth RegulatorL - C InsecticideLambda TLambda-Cy AGLambda-Cy™ EC Insecticide-RUPLamcap® IILamcap™Legend™ 5L STLivid® 90 PrillLivid® 97 PrillLorsban® 75 WGLunge™ InsecticideMesurol® 75-WMinecto® ProMolt-X®Mycotrol® ESOMycotrol® ESOMycotrol® WPOMycotrol® WPONufarm Lambda-Cyhalothrin 1EC InsecticideOrthene® 97Orthene® 97 STOverture® 35 WP InsecticideParadigm®Paradigm® VCPiston™Proaxis® InsecticideProaxis® InsecticideProaxis™Province® IIProvince™PureSpray™ GreenPylon® miticide-insecticidePylon® TR Total Release InsecticideQuasar™ 8.5 SLRavage®Reemit™ 0.86 ECRequiem® ECReTurn™ReTurn™ XLRimon® 0.83ECRimon® 0.83ECSAFARI® 2 G InsecticideSafari® 20 SG InsecticideScorpion® 35SL InsecticideSenstar™ InsecticideSequoia® CA InsecticideSequoia® InsecticideSerpent™ 1 ECSever™ 35 WSBSilencer®Silencer® VXN™Spear®-T Liquid ConcentrateStallion® BrandSTartUP™ ACE98 Seed TreatmentTenkoz® Acephate 97Tide Acephate 90 WDGTransform® WGTristar® 8.5SLVenerate® XCVeratran D®Verdepryn™ 100SL InsecticideVydate® C-LVVydate® LWarrior II with Zeon Technology®Willowood Lambda 1ECWillowood Lambda-Cy 1ECWrath® InsecticideZylam® Liquid Systemic Insecticide