Stinking Mayweed

Every product that labels STINKING MAYWEED as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Accurate® ExtraAccurate® ExtraAffinity® BroadSpecAffinity® BroadSpec Herbicide (with TotalSol™)Affinity® TankMixAffinity® TankMix Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Afforia™Agility® SG with TotalSol® Soluble GranulesAlly® Extra SG Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Ally® Extra SG with TotalSolAudit® 1:1Audit® 1:1 HerbicideAudit® 4:1Audit® 75 WDGAudit® 9:1 HerbicideCapstone® Specialty HerbicideChaparral™ Specialty HerbicideCivility™ ExtraClean Slate® (Nufarm)Draft™ HerbicideDuraCor®Edition® TankmixEnlite®FirstShot® SG Burndown Herbicide (with TotalSol®)FirstShot® SG Burndown Herbicide with TotalSol®ForeFront® HLForeFront® R&P Specialty HerbicideGrazonNext® HLGunslinger AMPHarass® HerbicideHarmony® Extra SG Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Harmony® Extra SG with TotalSol™Harmony® GT XPHarmony® SG Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Harmony® SG with TotalSol®HighNoon™ HerbicideLontrel® Turf and Ornamental HerbicideMalibu™MezaVue™Milestone® Specialty HerbicideMilestone® VM Plus Specialty HerbicideMilestone® VM Specialty HerbicideNimble®Nimble®Nuance® HerbicideOpensight® Specialty HerbicidePanoflex™Panoflex™ Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Plotter® Extra HerbicideRapport® BroadSpec HerbicideRapport® Tank Mix HerbicideSentrallas® HerbicideSentrallas™Supremacy® HerbicideT-Pac™ XPT-Square™ HerbicideTerraVue™Thief™Travallas™Treaty®Treaty® ExtraVeer® Agricultural HerbicideVolta®Volta® ExtraWhetstone™ Herbicide