Southern Corn Rootworm

Every product that labels SOUTHERN CORN ROOTWORM as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Acceleron® I-374 Insecticide Seed TreatmentAcceleron® I-609 Insecticide Seed TreatmentAcceleron® IC-609Acenthrin™Adage™Attendant® 600 FSAvenger™ Bold S3™Avenger™ S3™Avicta® Complete Corn 250Axcess™ Insecticide Seed TreatmentBatallion™ 10 WSPBatallion™ 2 ECBatallion™ LFCBesiege® InsecticideBi-Dash 2EBifen 2 AG GoldBifen 25% ECBifender® FC InsecticideBifenthrin 2EC InsecticideBifenture® 10DFBifenture® ECBioWake PRIME™Brigade® 2EC Insecticide/MiticideBrigadier® InsecticideCounter® 15-G Lock'n Load®Counter® 15G Smartbox®Counter® 20G Lock'n Load®Counter® 20G Smartbox®Counter® 20G SmartCartridge®Cruiser® 5FSDiscipline® 2ECDoubleTake™Dyna-Shield® Imidacloprid 5Elevest™Elliptica™Fanfare® 2ECFanfare® ECFanfare® ESForce® 10G HL SmartBox®Force® 10G HL Smartcartridge™Force® 3GForce® 3G SmartBox®Force® 6.5GForce® CSForce® EvoFortress® 5G InsecticideFrenzy VelozGaucho® 600 FlowableGCS Bifenthrin 2ECGCS Bifenthrin LFCIMAX PlusIndex® Liquid At-Plant InsecticideL - C InsecticideLancer® 2ECLancer® FCLegend™ 5L STLumisure®Macho® 480 STMacho® 600 STMatch-Up™ InsecticideNipsIt INSIDE® InsecticideNitro Shield®Nitro Shield® IVPoncho® 600 Seed TreatmentPoncho® VOTiVO®Poncho® Votivo® Seed TreatmentPrecept™ InsecticideResonate™ 480 STResonate™ 600 STReveal®Reveal® CAReveal® Endurx™Revize® Imida STSeguroSenator® 600 FSSharda Imidacloprid 5SCSkyraider®SlugbugSmartChoice® HCSmartChoice™ 5G Lock 'n LoadSmartChoice™ 5G SmartBoxSniper®Sniper® Helios®Sniper® LFR®STartUP™ IMIDA Seed TreatmentSwagger®Tailgunner™Tempest™ Dual-Action InsecticideTundra® EC (1381-196)Willowood Bifenthrin 2ECWillowood Imidacloprid 4ST