Sawfly Larvae

Every product that labels SAWFLY LARVAE as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Allectus® SCAnnihilate™ LVAnnihilate™ LV InsecticideAnnihilate™ SPAnnihilate™ SP InsecticideAxxe®Baythroid® XLBioCover® SSBioCover® ULBioCover™ LSBioCover™ MLTBisect® LBlackhawk® Naturalyte® Insect ControlChallenger™ InsecticideConserve® SC Insect ControlCriterion™ 2F InsecticideCriterion™ 75 WSP InsecticideDamoil™ Dormant & Summer Spray OilDecathlon™ 20 WPDes-X® Insecticidal SoapDiamid™ T&OEnforce™ 75WSP Turf and Ornamental InsecticideEntrust® Naturalyte Insect ControlEntrust® SC Naturalyte Insect ControlFirst Choice® Narrow Range 415 Spray OilGlacial® Spray FluidImida-Teb Garden SCKibosh™ SCLada® 2FLada® 75WSP InsecticideLannate® LVLannate® LV InsecticideLannate® SPLannate® SPLannate® SPLanveer LV™Leaf Life® Gavicide Green® 415M-Pede® Insecticide Miticide FungicideMalice® 2FMalice® 75 WSPMallet® 2 F T&O InsecticideMallet® 75 WSP InsecticideMantra® 60 WSPMarathon® 60 WPMarathon® IIMarathon® IIMenace® 7.9% FlowableMerit® 2FMerit® 2F InsecticideMerit® 75 WPMerit® 75 WSPMineiro™ 2 FMite-E-Oil®Narrow Range 415 Spray OilNudrin® LVNudrin® SPOmni Oil 6-EOmni Supreme SprayPhoenix Hawk-I® 2LPhoenix Hawk-I® 75WSPPro-Mate® BifenthrinPROKoZ® Zenith® 75 WSPPureSpray™ 10EPureSpray™ GreenPureSpray™ Spray Oil 10EPycana™Safari® 20 SG InsecticideSpray Oil 470Suspend® SCSuspend® SCTempo® SC UltraTempo® SC UltraTempo® Ultra WPUltra-Pure® OilWidow® InsecticideZylam® Liquid Systemic Insecticide