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Robust Purple Foxtail

Every product that labels ROBUST PURPLE FOXTAIL as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Acellus™ ATZAcuron®Acuron® FlexiAlite™ 27 HerbicideArrest CSArrest PlusAsset-S PlusAutonomy™ HerbicideAxill Solutions Glufosinate 280SLBalance® FlexxBalance® ProBrawl II™Breakfree®Breakfree® ATZBreakfree® ATZ LiteBreakfree® NXTBreakfree® NXT [supplemental dist.]Breakfree® NXT ATZCaballeroCadence® ATZ NXTCadence® HerbicideCadence® LA NXTCadence® NXT HerbicideCadence™ ATZCadence™ Lite ATZ HerbicideCharger Basic®Charger MAX®Cheetah® HerbicideCheetah® ProCheetah™ Max HerbicideComply™ HerbicideConfidence®Confidence® XtraConfidence® Xtra 5.6LCorvus®DefiniteDegree Xtra® HerbicideDegree Xtra® HerbicideDegree® HerbicideDerive 75 DFDerive® 4LDimetric® DF 75%Dimetric® EXTDouble HeaderDrexel Mes-O-Sate™Dual II MAGNUM® SIDual IIG MAGNUM®Electra 5.6LEtcetraFarmer's First™ Acetochlor 7EC HerbicideFearlessFearless Xtra 5.6LFearless Xtra HerbicideFever™Fever™ HerbicideForfeit® 280ForrestFulTime® HerbicideFulTime® NXTGalvan®GCS Acetochlor 7ECGCS MesoXtra HerbicideGCS Metola Plus 8ECGlory®Halex® GTHamper™ HerbicideHarness® HerbicideHarness® Herbicide (Monsanto)Harness® MAX HerbicideHarness® MAX HerbicideHarness® XtraHarness® Xtra (Monsanto)Harness® Xtra 5.6 LHarness® Xtra 5.6LHeadwinHelmetHelmet MaxxHelmet SPCIgnite® 280 SLImazethapyr 2 SLImpose®Inflame™ 280 SLInterline® HerbicideIntrro®Keystone® HerbicideKeystone® LA HerbicideKeystone® LA NXTKeystone® NXTLatir™Lexar®Lexar® EZLiberty® 280 SLLiberty® 280 SL HerbicideLiberty® ULTRA HerbicideLifeline®Lifeline® GTLumax®Lumax® EZMe-Too-Lachlor™Me-Too-Lachlor™ IIMedal®Medal® IIMedal® II ECMesoCore®MesoXtra HerbicideMetalicaMetolachlor + MesoATZMetolachlor 8EMetribuzin 75Metribuzin 75DFMetricor™ DFMetrixxMetrixx 75DFMetrixx SCMicro-Tech®Moccasin™Noventa™ HerbicideNufarm Imazapic 2SLNufarm Imazapic 2SL IVM HerbicideNufarm Leopard™ HerbicideOmni® Brand Metribuzin 75 DFOpen Range® GOpportunityOptero™OverTime™ ATZ HerbicideOverTime™ ATZ Lite HerbicideOverTime™ ATZ Lite NXTOverTime™ ATZ NXTOverTime™ HerbicideOverTime™ NXTPanoramic® 2SLParallel® HerbicideParallel® PCS HerbicidePemex™Phenomenon™Plateau® herbicidePraxisPriority 8EPriority MAPriority® GTPunchPursuit® herbicideRancor™ 4 FRancor™ 75 DFRavine™ReciteReckon™ 280SLRefer® 280 SL HerbicideRely® 280 HerbicideResicore®Resicore® REV HerbicideResicore® XLRixa™SalvusScoparia HerbicideScout™ HerbicideSinate® HerbicideSmackdown™Stalwart® 3WStalwart® C HerbicideStalwart® HerbicideStaunch® IIStaunch™ HerbicideSureStart® HerbicideSureStart® IISurmise®Surmise® 5Surpass® EC HerbicideSurpass® NXTTailwind™Threesidual™ HerbicideThunder®Tide Glufosinate 280 SLTopNotch® HerbicideTotal® 2.3Total® HerbicideTremor NXTTremor® ATZ Lite NXTTremor® ATZ NXTTriCor® 4FTriCor® DFTrifluence™TripleFLEX® II HerbicideTripleFLEX® II HerbicideTripleFLEX™ HerbicideTrisidual™ HerbicideTriVolt™Trizar™TrizMax™Verify™Vilify®Visor BroadcropVolley® ATZVolley® ATZ LiteVolley® ATZ LITE NXTVolley® ATZ NXTVolley® Corn HerbicideVolley® NXTWarrant HerbicideWarrant Herbicide (CS)Warrant® Ultra HerbicideWarrant® Ultra Herbicide (Monsanto)Willowood Glufosinate 280SLWillowood Glufosinate 280SL (OT)Willowood Imazethapyr 2SLWillowood Metribuzin 75DFZalo® Herbicide

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Input financing is offered by FBN Finance, LLC and is available only where FBN Finance, LLC is licensed. Terms and conditions apply. To qualify, a borrower must be a member of Farmer’s Business Network, Inc. and meet certain underwriting requirements. Interest rates and fees will vary depending on your individual situation. Not all applicants will qualify.

* On approved credit. Terms and conditions apply.

** Store credits will be issued to customer accounts weekly. Upon issue, store credits are available to be used immediately and will automatically be applied to the members' next transaction. Store credits have no cash value. Store credits expire 6 months after issuance and must be used on a purchase to be shipped no later than 6 months after issuance. Limit one store credit issued for the same program or promotion per week unless otherwise specified. Terms & conditions apply.

^ Subject to final review and verification.

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