Poa Annua

Every product that labels POA ANNUA as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Arrow 2ECAvatar™Avatar™ S2™Axill Solutions Clethodim 2ECBarricade® 4FLBarricade® 65WGBarrier® 50W Dichlobenil HerbicideBarrier® Ornamental Landscaping HerbicideCasoron® 4GCasoron® 4GCavalcade® 65WDG HerbicideCelsius® WGCeridian™ 2 ECCertainty® Turf HerbicideCleanse®Cleanse® 2ECCleanse™ 2 ECClethodim 2 EC HerbicideClethodim 2ECollate® 2LDakota™Dakota™Dimension® 2EW Specialty HerbicideDimension® EC Specialty HerbicideDimension® Ultra 40WP Specialty HerbicideEmbark® 2-S Plant Growth RegulatorEndurance® HerbicideEsplAnade® EZEthephon 2 Plant RegulatorEvade® 4 FLFugitive®Helena® Oskie® Plant RegulatorIntensity Post- Emergence Grass Herbicide®Intensity® One Post-Emergence Grass HerbicideMonument® 75WGOmni® Brand Clethodim 2 ECOryzalin 4 A.S. HerbicideOskie™ Plant RegulatorPendulum® 2G granule herbicidePendulum® 3.3 EC herbicidePendulum® AquaCap™ herbicidePhoenix Cardinal™Phoenix Hammerkop™ HydroCapPhoenix Knighthawk®Pin-Dee™ 3.3 ECPin-Dee™ 3.3 T & OPrimeraOne® Prodiamine 4LPrimeraOne® Prodiamine 65WDG HerbicideProClipse® 65 WDGProdiamine 65 WGProxy® Growth RegulatorRedEagle Clethodim 2ERely® 280 HerbicideResolute® 4FLResolute™ 65WGRevolver®Roundup QuikPRO® SC Total HerbicideRubigan® A.S.Satellite® HydroCap herbicideSection® 2EC (1381-204)Section® 2EC (42750-72-1381)Section® Three HerbicideSelect Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™Select® 2 ECSelect® 2 EC HerbicideShadow®Shadow® 3ECShadow® 3ECSpecticle® TotalSureGuard® SC HerbicideSurflan® A.S. AgriculturalTapout®Tide USA Clethodim 2ECTrizenta™ 3EC HerbicideTrizenta™ HerbicideVaquero®Verve™ Plant Growth RegulatorVolunteer® Herbicide (42750-72-55467)Volunteer® Herbicide (66330-353-55467)Volunteer® Herbicide (70506-484-55467)Volunteer™ Herbicide (59639-3-55467)Willowood Clethodim 2EC