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Phytophthora is a genus of plant-damaging oomycetes, often referred to as water molds, that cause significant diseases in a wide range of crops across the United States and Canada. Notable species include Phytophthora infestans, responsible for late blight in potatoes and tomatoes, and Phytophthora sojae, which causes root and stem rot in soybeans.

These pathogens thrive in wet, poorly drained soils and can lead to substantial yield losses. Effective management includes crop rotation, resistant varieties, proper drainage, and fungicide applications. The economic impact is profound, with millions of dollars lost annually due to reduced yields and increased management costs.

To treat Phytophthora, especially Phytophthora blight, two recommended products available from FBN are Chlorothalonil 6.0lb Value Pick and Fortuna™ 75 WDG Fungicide.

Photo Credit: William M. Brown Jr.,

Phytophthora 1

Every product that labels PHYTOPHTHORA as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Acceleron® D-109 Fungicide Seed TreatmentAcceleron® D-309 Fungicide Seed TreatmentAcceleron® DX-309Acquire® fungicide seed treatmentActinovate® AGActinovate® AGActinovate® STPAdage™ STAdorn® FungicideAliette®Aliette® WDGAllegiance®-FL Seed TreatmentAlligare Pond Dye BlueAlude™ FungicideAmplitude™Anchor™ 3L STApron MAXX® RFCApron MAXX® RTA®Apron MAXX® RTA® + MolyApron XL®Apron XL® 350ESAvicta® Complete Beans 500Aviv™Aviv™Axyl-Shield 2E FoliarAxyl-Shield STBacixBadge® SCBadge® SCBadge® SCBadge® X2Badge® X2Badge® X2Banol®Banol®Belmont® 2.7 FSBexfond™ Biological FungicideBio-Tam® 2.0Bio-Tam® 2.0Catamaran®Cease®Clariva® Elite BeansConfine® ExtraConfine™ Extra T&OCruiserMaxx®CruiserMaxx® AdvancedCruiserMaxx® APXCruiserMaxx® APX UncoloredCruiserMaxx® EZCruiserMaxx® PlusCruiserMaxx® Vibrance®Cueva® Fungicide ConcentrateDisarm® 480 SCDominus®Double Nickel 55™Double Nickel® LCDyna-Shield Conquest™Dyna-Shield® MetalaxylDyna-Shield® Metalaxyl 318 FS FungicideElumin® FungicideEmpress™ Intrinsic™ brand fungicideEquity® VIPEquity™Ethos® 3D Insecticide/FungicideEthos® Elite LFR® Insecticide/BiofungicideEthos® XB Insecticide/FungicideEverGol® EnergyEverGol® Energy SBEvocade™FenStop®FenStop® FungicideFosphite® FungicideFungi-Phite® CerealsFungi-Phite® FungicideGreenClean® ProGuarda®Helena® ProPhyt®Howler® FungicideHurricane® WDGInLine® Soil Fungicide and NematicideInsignia® fungicideJet-Ag®Jet-Ag® 5%K-Pam® HLK-Phite® 7LP Systemic Fungicide BactericideK-Phite® 7LP T/OKarma®Lalstop G46 WGLalstop K61 WPLegumeStar Fungicide STLegumeStar™ Select STManzate® Pro-Stick™ (UPI)Maxim® XLMetalaxyl 265 STMetalaxyl 2E AGMetalaxyl 4.0 STMetam CLR™ 42%Metam KLR™ 54%Micora®Minuet™Mural™Nu-Cop® 30 HBNu-Cop® 3LNu-Cop® XLRNutrol®Obvius® Plus Fungicide Seed TreatmentOrkestra® Intrinsic® Brand FungicideOxiDate® 2.0OxiDate® 5.0OxiDate® Broad Spectrum Bactericide/FungicideOxiPhos®Pageant® Intrinsic® brand fungicidePeroxySan-CX Broad Spectrum Bactericide/FungicidePERpose Plus™Phiticide™Phostrol®Phyton® 27Phyton® 35PompaPrecinct™Presidio® FungicideProplant™ Turf and Ornamental FungicidePulse Premix 3.0 STPVent®Rampart® FungicideReCon™ 4 FRegalia®Regalia® Rx BiofungicideReliant® Systemic FungicideRendition™Resist 57™Revus®Rhapsody®Ridomil Gold®/CopperRomeoRootShield® Plus GranulesRootShield® Plus WPRubySaniDate® 12.0Sebring® 318 FSSebring® 480 FSSectagon-42® (RUP)Sectagon-K54® (RUP)Seed Shield® BeansSeed Shield® SoybeanSegovis®Segway® FungicideSerenade® ASOSerenade® SoilSmartBlock®SoyStar™ Elite STSoyStar™ Premier STSoyStar™ Select STSoyStar™ Supreme STSparra™Spirato® IMTm 348 FSSpirato® M 185 FSSpirato® MTm 285 FSSporeQuell™ 15%Stamina® fungicide seed treatmentStargus™STartUP™ METXL 480 Seed TreatmentSTartUP™ METXL Seed TreatmentStature® DM fungicideStature® SC fungicideSubdue® GRSubdue® MAXX®Taegro® 2Taegro® ECOTenet WPTenet WPTerraClean® 5.0TerraCyte® ProTerrazole® 35% Wettable PowderTerrazole® CATriathlon® BAUpShot™ Soybean Seed TreatmentVacciplant®Vacciplant®Vapam® HLVayantis®Viceroy™ 70DFWarden® CXWarden® CX IIWarden® RTA®ZeroTol® 2.0ZeroTol® HC

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