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Japanese Beetle Adult

Every product that labels JAPANESE BEETLE (ADULT) as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Acenthrin™Acronyx™ 2 FlowableAcronyx™ 4 FAdmire® ProAdvise® 2FLAdvise® FourAdvise® FourAlias® 4FAloft® GC GAloft® GC SCAltacor® eVo Insect ControlAltacor® Insect ControlAltacor® Insect ControlArctic® 3.2 ECArgyle™ ODAsana® XLAvenger™ Bold S3™Avenger™ S3™Batallion™ 10 WSPBatallion™ 2 ECBatallion™ LFCBaythroid® XLBesiege® InsecticideBexar®Bi-Dash 2EBifen 2 AG GoldBifen 25% ECBifender® FC InsecticideBifenthrin 2EC InsecticideBifenture® 10DFBifenture® ECBifenture® LFCBisect® LBolton™Brigade® 2EC Insecticide/MiticideBrigade® WSB InsecticideBrigadier® InsecticideCapture® 2EC-CALCapture® LFR®Cavalry™ IICobalt® AdvancedCobalt® InsecticideConsero®Consero® (Gamma-cyhalothrin)Coragen® eVo Insect ControlCoragen® Insect ControlCoragen® Insect ControlCormoran®Cortes™ Maxx InsecticideCouraze® 2FCouraze® 4Couraze® 4FCrossoverCrossover® ProCrusader 2MECrusader® 1ECDauntless™Decathlon™ 20 WPDeclare® InsecticideDeclare® InsecticideDelta Gold®Demand® GDiamid™ T&ODiscipline® 2ECElevest™Endigo® ZCEndigo® ZCXEthos® XB Insecticide/FungicideExceliprole™ 400SCFanfare® 2ECFanfare® ECFanfare® ESFastac® CS insecticideFastac™ EC insecticideFirestone™Frenzy AttackFrenzy VelozFyfanon® 8 lb. EmulsionGCS Bifenthrin 2ECGCS Bifenthrin LFCGladiator® Insecticide/MiticideGrizzly® TooGrizzly® Z InsecticideHero® EWHero® InsecticideHost ECIMAX PlusImida-Teb Garden SCImidashot DF InsecticideJustice®Kaiso® 24 WGKarate® InsecticideKarate® with Zeon™ TechnologyKendo® 22.8 CSKendo™ InsecticideKilter®Lada® 2FLambda TLambda-Cy AGLambda-Cy™ EC Insecticide-RUPLambdafos™ InsecticideLamcap® IILamcap™Lamdec™ InsecticideLancer® 2ECLancer® FCLeverage® 360Lunge™ InsecticideMacho® 2.0 FLMacho® 4.0 FlowableMainspring® GNLMainspring™Malathion 5Malathion 8Malathion 8 AquamulMalathion 8 FlowableMalathion 8-E InsecticideMalice® 2FMalice® 75 WSPMallet® 0.5GMallet® 2 F T&O InsecticideMantra® 1G Greenhouse and NurseryMarathon® 1% GMarathon® 1% GranularMarathon® 60 WPMarathon® IIMarathon® IIMatch-Up™ InsecticideMenace® 7.9% FlowableMenace® GC 7.9% FlowableMeridian® 0.33GMeridian® 25WGMidash 2SC Ag InsecticideMidash Forte InsecticideMontana® 2FMontana® 4FMustang® InsecticideMustang® MaxxNufarm Lambda-Cyhalothrin 1EC InsecticideNuprid® 2SC Soil/Foliar InsecticideNuprid® 4F Max InsecticideOmni® Brand Imidacloprid 2F Flowable InsecticideParadigm®Paradigm® VCPasada® 1.6FPerm-UP® 25DFPerm-UP® 3.2 ECPermaStar™ AG InsecticidePermethrinPermethrin 3.2 AGPermethrin 3.2 ECPermethrin 3.2 EC (70506-9-5905)Phoenix Firebird® ProPounce® 25WPPrey® 1.6Pro-Mate® BifenthrinProaxis® InsecticideProaxis® InsecticideProaxis™Province® IIProvince™Provoke™Ravage®Respect® EC insecticideRespect® insecticideReveal®Reveal® CAReveal® Endurx™Ridgeback™Ruckus™ LFR® InsecticideS-FenvaloStarSafari® 20 SG InsecticideScimitar® CSScimitar® GCSedaire™ ECSeeker™ Insecticide with Isoclast™ ActiveSeguroSerpent™ 1 ECShenzi™ 700 WGSherpa® InsecticideSilencer®Silencer® VXN™Skyraider®SlugbugSniper®Sniper® Helios®Sniper® LFR®Stallion® BrandSteed® InsecticideSteward® ECSteward® ECSultrus™Swagger®Tailgunner™Talstar® S Select InsecticideTempest™ Dual-Action InsecticideTempo® SC UltraTempo® SC UltraTempo® Ultra WPTenkoz® Permethrin 3.2 ECTepera® PlusTepera® Plus HDTepera® Plus HDTide Imidacloprid 2FTide Imidacloprid 4FTombstone™Tombstone™ Helios®Triple Crown™ Golf InsecticideTriple Crown™ InsecticideTundra® EC (1381-196)Tundra® LFCTundra® SupremeUp-Star® GoldUp-Star® SC Lawn and NurseryViloprid™ FC 1.7Voliam Flexi®Voliam Xpress®Voltage Endurx®Warrior II with Zeon Technology®Widow® InsecticideWillowood Bifenthrin 2ECWillowood Imidacloprid 4SCWillowood Lambda 1ECWillowood Lambda-Cy 1ECWisdom® FlowableWrangler® InsecticideZylam® Liquid Systemic InsecticideZyrate®

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