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Growth Regulator

Every product that labels GROWTH REGULATOR as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
2,4-D LV 4 (Albaugh)2,4-D LV 6 (Albaugh)Abundit® EdgeAbundit® EdgeAccede® SG Plant Growth RegulatorAccede™ Plant Growth RegulatorAceto DMNAdvantigro®Advantigro® IIAim® EC HerbicideAlco Olive Stop™Alecto™ 41SAlligare 2,4-D LV6Amid-Thin® WAmplify® II Aerosol Grade Potato Sprout InhibitorAndara™ PGRAntak® Tobacco Sucker Control AgentAntik™ ECAnuew® EZ Plant Growth RegulatorAnuew™ Plant Growth RegulatorApogee® plant growth regulatorAquamaster®Arrange™Arrive PlusAscend®Ascend® PROAscend® SLAscend® WSGAscend² ™Astera™ Fungicide with aßpro™ Component BAtrimmec® Plant Growth RegulatorAxill Solutions Pro Hex 27.5% WDGB-Nine® WSGB-Nine® WSGBanner MAXX®Banner MAXX® IIBase Camp® LV 6BioNik™ Plant Growth RegulatorBlush®Boll Buster®Boll'd® 6SLBollide™ 6 LBonzi®BrazosBudPro®Bumper® ESCitadel®Citrus Fix®Clearout™ 5 ExtraCollate®Collate® 2LCompact®Compact® 6XCompact® 6X MepiquatConcise®Configure®Consensus®Cornerstone K HerbicideCornerstone® Plus (524-454-1381)Credit® 41 ExtraCredit® 5.4 ExtraCredit® XtremeCropSIL™Cryova™ PGRCycocel®Cytokin®Cytoplex® HMSDazide® 85 WSGDe-Ester™LV4Defy® LV-6Dimilin® 2LDormex®Drop-Block™ 24.2LDurango® DMA® HerbicideDurant 2LDurant™ 2 L IGREmbark® 2-S Plant Growth RegulatorEmbark® 2S IVM Plant Growth RegulatorEmbark® Turf and Ornamental Growth RegulatorEmploy®Envy™Envy™ IntenseEnvy™ Six MaxEthephon 2 Plant RegulatorEthephon 2SL Growth RegulatorEthephon 6Ethephon 6.0Exilis® 9.5 SCExilis® PlusFalgro® 20SPFalgro® 2X LVFalgro® 4LFascination® Plant Growth SolutionFinish® 6 ProFitness® FungicideFlash® Plant RegulatorFlorgib® 4LFoliar TRIGGRR®Fresco®Fruit Fix™ Concentrate 800Fruitone® LFruitone® NGCS 2,4-D LV 6 EsterGibgro® 20% PowderGibgro® 4LSGin Out™ Plant Growth RegulatorGly Star® GoldGly Star® K-PlusGly Star® OriginalGly Star® PlusGoldWing®Gravitas®Gravity® PGSGravity® SL PGSGroom® PGRHarvista™ 1.3 SCHavoc LV-SixHelena® Flash® Cotton Harvest AidHelena® Oskie® Plant RegulatorHivol™-44Homobrassinolide 0.1%Honcho® K6 HerbicideHoncho® K6 Herbicide (Monsanto)Honcho® PlusK-Salt® Fruit Fix 800K-Salt™ Fruit Fix™ 200KickStand® PGRKimzall® ME Plant Growth RegulatorKimzall® Plant Growth RegulatorKrop-Max™Kudos® 27.5 WDGLandSpring™ WPLiqui-Stik ConcentrateLo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileLo-Vol 6 2,4-D Low Volatile HerbicideLongbow™ ECMaintain® CF 125Makaze® HerbicideMandolin™ A PGR for Thinning CitrusMaxCel® Plant Growth RegulatorMazata™Mep Star®MEP® 42MEP® 6XMepex® Gin Out™ Plant Growth RegulatorMepex® Plant Growth RegulatorMepichlor® 4.2% LiquidMepiquatMepstar™ 6XMessenger® GoldMocksi® Plant Growth RegulatorModdus™Monarch™Motivate®Motivate® 2LN-Hibit® HX-209 Seed TreatmentN-Large™Novagib® 10LNovagib® 5LNufarm Chlormequat SPCNufarm Ethephon 2 Plant Growth RegulatorNufarm Propiconazole SPC 14.3 MECNufarm T-Pac SPC MEC Plant Growth RegulatorObrona™Off-Shoot-T®Off-Shoot-T®Optify®/StretchOskie™ Plant RegulatorPacesetter®Paclo Pro®Paczol®Paczol® Ornamental Plant Growth RegulatorPalisade® ECPalisade® MaxxPentia® Plant RegulatorPentia™ plant regulatorPerlan®Phoenix Cardinal™Phoenix Kestrel® MEXPiccolo®Pinzola™ ECPix® Plus® Plant RegulatorPix® Ultra Plant RegulatorPix® WSG Plant RegulatorPodium®PoMaxa® Plant Growth RegulatorPotenza®PPZ 41.8 Select™Primo MAXX®ProAct®Procon-Z™ FungicideProGibb® 4% Plant Growth RegulatorProGibb® 40% Plant Growth RegulatorProGibb® LV PLUS Plant Growth RegulatorProGibb® T&O Plant Growth Regulator SolutionProliant™ Plant Growth RegulatorPromalin® Plant Growth RegulatorProPensity® 1.3ME Turf and Ornamental FungicidePropi-Star® ECPropicon ECPropiconazole 1.3 ME T&OPropiconazole 3.6 EC FungicidePropicure 3.6FProTone® SG Plant Growth RegulatorProVide® 10 SG Plant Growth RegulatorProxy® Growth RegulatorPure-Tac™ ConcentrateQuinark™ EWRadiate®Receptor™Refine® 24.2LRefine® 3.5 WSGRefine® 3.5LRefine® 6.25LRejuvenate Seed TreatmentRejuvenate Seed TreatmentRelease® LC Plant Growth RegulatorRelease® Plant Growth RegulatorReTain® Plant Growth RegulatorReTain® Plant Growth Regulator for CaliforniaRetard® Liquid Growth RetardantRetardant™ Liquid Growth RetardantRio™Riteway® PGRRoundup PowerMAX®Roundup PowerMAX® 3 (Monsanto)Roundup PowerMAX® 3 HerbicideRoundup PowerMAX® HerbicideRoundup PowerMAX® IIRoundup PowerMAX® II (Monsanto)Roundup WeatherMAX® (Monsanto)Roundup WeatherMAX® HerbicideRoyal MH-30®Royal MH-30® SGRoyal MH-30® XTRARoyaltac®Royaltac®-MRyzUp SmartGrass® Plant Growth RegulatorSetup® 6SLShark® EWShelf Life 2ECShield Potato Sprout Inhibitor ECSlant™Slant™ ECSmartBlock®Soil TRIGGRR®Splendor™Splendor™ ME Plant Growth RegulatorSprout Nip PelletSprout Nip® 7ASprout Nip® ECSprout-Stop® Liquid Growth RetardantStance® Plant RegulatorStimplex®Stimulate™ Yield EnhancerStrider™ FungicideSucker-Plucker®Sucker-Stuff® Liquid Growth RetardantSumagic® Plant Growth RegulatorSunphosate 41%Sunphosate 5 MAX (Wynca)Super Boll® Plant RegulatorSuper Sucker-Stuff® Liquid Growth RetardantTak-Plus™Tenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileTerminate™ Cotton Harvest AidThrottle™Tide Diflubenzuron 2SCTide Paclo 0.4% LiquidTide Paclo 2SCTopaz® FungicideTouchdown HiTech®Traxion®Tre-Hold® Sprout Inhibitor A-112Trimmit® 2SCTurret®Typy®UnforgivenValidate®VelourVerve™ Plant Growth RegulatorVETOVigilVini-Set®Warden® Cereals 360Weedar® 64WeeDestroy® AM-40 Amine SaltWeedone® 650Weedone® LV4 ECWeedone® LV4 SolventlessWeedone® LV6 ECWillowood Glypho 6Willowood Mepi Chlor 4.2%Willowood Propicon 3.6ECX-Cyte™ Plant Growth Regulator and Yield Stimulant

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