
Every product that labels CROTON as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
2,4-D Amine 42,4-D LV 4Alligare 2,4-D AmineAlligare 2,4-D LV6Alligare Triumph® 22KAmine 4 2,4-DAmine 400 2,4-D Weed KillerBattleship® IIIBroadrange® 55 HerbicideChange Up™ Selective HerbicideClean Amine®Colt®+Sword® HerbicideCornbelt® 4Lb. AmineCornbelt® 4Lb. Lo Vol EsterCornbelt® 6Lb. Lo Vol EsterDagger®De-Ester™LV4Deadbolt®Diverge® SilkDuetDuet®E-2 HerbicideElliptical™ HerbicideEscalade® 2Formula 40®Full Deck™Garlon® 3A Specialty HerbicideGraslan® LGravitas®Grazon® P+D Specialty HerbicideGrazonPD3™GunSlinger®Gunslinger® P+DHat Trick® Three Way HerbicideHi-Dep® Broadleaf HerbicideHi-Dep® IVM Broadleaf HerbicideHorsepower® Selective HerbicideLima 6Low Vol 4 Ester Weed KillerLow Vol 6 Ester Weed KillerMaestro® DMCP Amine 4MCPA L. V. 4 EsterMCPA-4 AmineMezaVue™Opti-Amine®Pasture Pro® HerbicidePicturePrescott HerbicidePROSlam™ 4SCPyresta®Quincept®Rhomene® MCPA BroadleafRiceBeaux®RiceBeaux®RiceEdge® 60 DFRicePro®RiceShot 48 SFRugged® HerbicideSaber®Shredder® 2,4-D LV6Shredder® Amine 4Shredder™ 2,4-D LV4Solution Water Soluble®Spike® 80DF Specialty HerbicideSpoiler® HerbicideStrike Three Ultra® 2SuperWHAM!®SuperWHAM!® 80 DF-CASuperWham!® CASuperWHAM!® CASure Power® Selective HerbicideSurepyc™Surmount® HerbicideSword®Tenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileTenkoz® MCPA Broadleaf Amine 4Tordon® 22K Specialty HerbicideTriamine®Triple Shot™Triumph® 22KTriumph® XTRTrivence™Trooper® 22KTrooper® P+DTrooper™ ExtraTrooper™ ProTurret®Vengeance® Plus Selective HerbicideVoucher®Weed Rhap® A-4DWildCard®Willowood Thionil EC