Blueberry Maggot

Every product that labels BLUEBERRY MAGGOT as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Acronyx™ 2 FlowableAcronyx™ 4 FAdmire® ProAdvise® 2FLAdvise® FourAdvise® FourAlias® 4FAltus®Anarchy 30 SGAnarchy 70 WPAnnihilate™ LVAnnihilate™ LV InsecticideAnnihilate™ SPAnnihilate™ SP InsecticideAnniston 70 WP InsecticideApta®ArVida® 30 SG InsecticideArVida® 70 WP InsecticideAsana® XLAssail® 30 SG InsecticideAssail® 30SC InsecticideAssail® 70WP InsecticideAzomar™Batallion™ 10 WSPBatallion™ 2 ECBatallion™ LFCBexar®Bi-Dash 2EBifenture® 10DFBifenture® ECBifenture® LFCBrigade® 2EC Insecticide/MiticideBrigade® WSB InsecticideCarbaryl 4LCarbaryl 4LCheminova Malathion® 57%Cinnerate (Seipasa)Cinnerate® (Sym-Agro)Cormoran®Couraze® 2FCouraze® 4Couraze® 4FDanitol® 2.4 EC Spray Insecticide-MiticideDelegate® WG InsecticideDiazinon 50WDiazinon AG500Diazinon AG500Diazinon AG600 WBC InsecticideDiscipline® 2ECEcozin® Plus 1.2% MEEntrust® Naturalyte Insect ControlEntrust® SC Naturalyte Insect ControlExirel®Exirel® Insect Control (With Cyazypyr®)Fanfare® 2ECFanfare® ECFanfare® ESFyfanon®Fyfanon® 57% ECFyfanon® ULV AGFyfanon® ULV AG (67760-35)GCS Bifenthrin 2ECGCS Bifenthrin LFCGrandevo® CGGrandevo® WDGHero® EWHero® InsecticideImidan® 70-W (Water Soluble Bags)Imidashot DF InsecticideIntruder® Max 70WPKibosh™ SCLancer® 2ECLancer® FCLannate® LVLannate® LV InsecticideLannate® SPLannate® SPLannate® SPLanveer LV™Macho® 2.0 FLMacho® 4.0 FlowableMalathion 5ECMalathion 8 FlowableMalathion ULV® ConcentrateMalice® 75 WSPMidash 2SC Ag InsecticideMidash Forte InsecticideMinecto® ProMolt-X®Montana® 2FMontana® 4FMovento®Movento® MPCMustang® MaxxNudrin® LVNudrin® SPNuprid® 2SC Soil/Foliar InsecticideNuprid® 4F Max InsecticideOmni® Brand Imidacloprid 2F Flowable InsecticidePasada® 1.6FPrey® 1.6Provoke™Punisher™Quasar™ 8.5 SLReveal® CARevere® 2.0Ruckus™ LFR® InsecticideS-FenvaloStarSeguroSeican®Seican™Senstar™ InsecticideSevin® 4FSevin® XLR PlusSherpa® InsecticideSivanto® HLSivanto™ 200 SLSivanto™ primeSniper®Sniper® Helios®Sniper® LFR®Surround® CF Crop ProtectantSurround® WP Crop ProtectantTailgunner™Tide Imidacloprid 2FTide Imidacloprid 4FTriple Crown™ InsecticideTristar® 8.5SLTundra® LFCVerdepryn™ 100SL InsecticideViloprid™ FC 1.7Willowood Imidacloprid 4SCWrangler® InsecticideZyrate®