Annual Spurge

Every product that labels ANNUAL SPURGE as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Abundit™ Extra (Exclusively Distributed by DuPont)Accord® XRT HerbicideAccord® XRT II HerbicideAcquit™ 4 FAcumen® HerbicideAcumen® MicrocapAlligare Imazapyr 2 SLAlligare Imazapyr 4 SLAlligare Rotary 2 SLAquamaster®Arsenal® herbicideArsenal® herbicide Applicators ConcentrateArsenal® PowerLine™ herbicideBallast™Beyond® Xtra herbicideBlindside® HerbicideBrawl II™Buccaneer® 5Buccaneer® 5 ExtraCharger Basic®Charger MAX®Clearout™ 5 ExtraCraze®Credit® 41Credit® 41 ExtraCredit® 5.4 ExtraDismiss® CA HerbicideDismiss® Turf HerbicideDryphosate 75SGEchelon® 4SC HerbicideEcomazapyr 2 SLExtra Credit 5®Four Power Plus®Framework® 3.3 EC HerbicideFreeHand® 1.75G herbicideFreeHand® CA 1.75G herbicideGCS Metola Plus 8ECGly Star® 5 ExtraGlyfos® X-TRA HerbicideGlyphogan® HerbicideGlyphogan® Plus HerbicideGlyphosate 4 PlusGlyphosate 5.4HABITAT® herbicideHamper™ HerbicideHamper™ II HerbicideHarbinger® Herbicide (241-337-34704)Helena® PendimethalinHelm Sulfentrazone 4FHelmetHelmet SPCHelosate® 75 SGHelosate® Plus AdvancedHoss® UltraImiFlex™IntensaKleenUp® Pro HerbicideLademLineage® Clearstand® HerbicideMad Dog®Mad Dog® 5.4Mad Dog® PlusMakaze Yield Pro®Maxunitech Carfentrazone + Sulfentrazone SEMe-Too-Lachlor™Me-Too-Lachlor™ IIMedal®Medal® IIMetalicaMetolachlor 8EMetsulMoccasin™Nufarm Polaris® AC Complete HerbicideNufarm Polaris® AC HerbicideNufarm Polaris® HerbicideNufarm Polaris® SPOctivio™Parallel® HerbicideParallel® PCS HerbicidePassage™ HerbicidePendulum® 2G granule herbicidePendulum® 3.3 EC herbicidePendulum® AquaCap™ herbicidePhenomenon™Phoenix Hammerkop™ HydroCapPin-Dee™ 3.3 ECPin-Dee™ 3.3 T & OPortfolio® 4F CAPortfolio® 4F CaliforniaPriority 8EProDeuce®Prowl® 3.3 EC herbicideProwl® H2O herbicideQuali-Pro® Expel Turf HerbicideRanger PRO® HerbicideRanger PRO® Herbicide (Monsanto)Raptor® herbicideRazor Burn®Razor®Razor® ProRazor® Xtreme HerbicideRiceOne CSRiceOne® CSRodeo® HerbicideRoundup Custom®Roundup Custom® (Monsanto)Roundup PRO® ConcentrateRoundup PRO® Concentrate (Monsanto)Roundup PRO® HerbicideRoundup PRO® Herbicide (Monsanto)Roundup PROMAX® HerbicideRoundup PROMAX® Herbicide (Monsanto)Roundup QuikPRO®Roundup QuikPRO™ (Monsanto)Satellite® 3.3 herbicideSatellite® FlexSatellite® HydroCap herbicideShowdown® HerbicideSolitare® HerbicideSpartan® 4FSpartan® ChargeSpartan® FL 4FSquareOne® HerbicideStalwart® C HerbicideStalwart® HerbicideStealth CompleteStreliuS™ IISulfentrazone 4LSulfin® 4SCSunphosate 41%Surepyc™Visor BroadcropVisor® S-MOCVulture™Zeus® Herbicide